Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Innovative HINTERLAND Some follow-up ideas
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin HINTERLAND TEAM 2007 VILLAGE A VILLAGE B VILLAGE C HINTERLAND 2007 HINTERLAND has: - some villages with strong interest in own development items - some villages with existing networks - some villages with capability to establish networks
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin HINTERLAND has: Many, many potentials to be used for rural developement HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin HINTERLAND has: not yet reached all different, but important actors to be integrated in networks Age groups Entrepreneurs Social communities, clubs Political parties Yet unknown groups HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin ProblemsSolutionsFields of actionActivities and ProjectsIndicators of success / evaluation Lack of innovation in SME Innovation agencies (LIA / RIA)) Education centres SME Coaching (for promotors of an enterprise) Electronic platform R+D Seminars and individual coaching Report about local market deficits Established networks … Lack of spatial visions (local and regional) Scenarios Innovation strategy New spatial visions and scenarios; e.g. Joint Vision for the development of peripheral regions Regional and local workshops Implementation projects Established spatial visions … Missing cluster policy Missing supply chain management Innovation agencies Network management centre All enterprises SME Vorderland- Hinterland- management Energy farming Ecological farming Sustainable destination management Wellness Cluster management tools Energy marketing CO 2 -partnerships Branding …… Innovative HINTERLAND: An enormous variety of problems, solutions, activities and chances for many projects …
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Heinrich Rohrer (CH), Nobel-price-winner during EPSA-award ceremony on 13th November 2007: Innovation is not predictable, but comes with problems and human capability and enjoyment to solve them Innovative HINTERLAND the core of future project:
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Innovation needs a problem and the need for a solution, so - let‘s go for new ideas to improve something - let‘s have a better view on things and attitudes Innovative HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin … but be careful, not every new idea is to improve something … Innovative HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin We know: Innovation needs people, problems, ideas for solutions, creaticity and enjoyment But why not use more support from: regional experts, regional resources, … to make innovations going easier. Innovative HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Why experts? - to encourage people to create innovative ideas - to evaluate ideas - to make ideas become actions, assets, investments, - to require necessary resources to realize ideas - to … Innovative HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin HINTERLAND: Many active people, many potentials but need for: Clearer facing of problems, better solutions, more efficient networking – let‘s go for experts and resources around our village, town and region Innovative HINTERLAND
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin HINTERLAND 2007 HINTERLAND Project partner from municipality, county, region, university Municipality Village community A Village B Village community B HINTERLAND project moderator
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Innovative HINTERLAND 2008 HINTERLAND Project partner from municipality, county, region, university Municipality Municipality with local innovation unit Municipality HINTERLAND project moderator Village community A Village B Village community B local innovation moderators
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Kylien verkostoituminen kasvualueajatteluun – idea, kylät valittava initiation points Influencing areas Initiation area Impact of the communication and traffic infrastructure as initiation support Äki Jkl A contribution from Central Finland Region
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Background / analysis The development of the village as a project Village action + Local actors and ja entrepreneurs A contribution from Central Finland Region Interaction and growth of the village Regional / national and international interaction and communication Results: Lifestyle Entrepreneurship Products The development of the village is place for growth
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin A contribution from Central Finland Region Products What does a village produce? Services and products related to agriculture, farming, tourism, leisure time, nature, residental environment Can the village be considered as company – sort of application of financial unit? Are the products of the village addressed to the village or for the world? The development of the village is place for growth
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Regional external experts Innovation generating in HINTERLAND II Regional R&D institutions
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Targets - structures - actors - networks - resources - ideas Age groups Entrepreneurs Social communities, clubs Political parties Yet unknown groups Innovation gereating HINTERLAND II driving on exploited potentials
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Innovative HINTERLAND Priorities of EU territorial cohesion to be met by new project outline: HINTERLAND Follow-up in BSR-Interreg-IV-B framework Priorities in territorial collaborations (from contribution Mr. Selke) 1. polycentric territorial development and innvoation 2.Urban-rural partnerships 3.Competitive and innovative regional cluster 4.Strengthening European networks 5.Trans-European risk management (climate change) 6.Resources and cultural heritage
Final Forum Hinterland Berlin Thank you for your attention!