IDARI Workshop Tartu, June 2005 Welcome & Opening Address Professor Michael Cuddy National University of Ireland, Galway The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5
Welcome & Opening Address Policy context Project framework Way forward
Policy Context Enlargement Budgetary constraint CAP reform: : Competitiveness; environment and quality of life in rural areas Pillar I Pillar II LEADER - institutional and governance issues Structural and cohesion funds
Project Framework - themes Context EU Policy CE socio-economic-institutional context WPI: Biological diversity and environmental sustainability; social capital; rural entrepreneurship; migration (Bio-diversity, environment,organic farming, success of rural SMEs, networks/partnerships,migration) WP2: Learning for social-ecological resilience and innovation diffusion (Agent-based model of innovation adoption, social networks, common pool resources, agri-tourism) WP3: Social capital, governance and institutional innovations (Co-operation for market development (producer groups, land fragmentation and consolidation), co- operation between communities (rural tourism, regional labels, producer groups),and in environmentally protected areas)
Some comments Context EU Policy CE socio-economic-institutional context 3 Research Teams
NUIG Team Multiple themes Environmental, Organic farming Entrepreneurship Social capital/partnerships Labour migration Irish template --> CE cases
Project framework - research teams Research teams (3) - NUIG, HUB, LEEDS Researchers Senior and post-doctoral researchers Doctoral students Collaborators - sub-contractors
Towards a conclusion Project extension Delivery of outputs and integration of results Dissemination of results Future co-operation