Bell Ringer #6 – 3/12/09 1.Who is part of the United States “labor force”? 2.Give 3 examples of Americans who are not in the labor force. 3.What is a civilian?
Franchise When one company agrees – for a fee – to let another person set up an enterprise that uses the original company’s name to sell goods and services Parent company (original) is franchisor Person owning franchise is franchisee Hotels, restaurants, real estate agencies, Burger King, gas stations, etc.
Working Conditions Workplaces follow laws that regulate safety, noise levels, cleanliness, etc. High-risk occupations (skyscraper construction, fire fighting) often earn higher wages than jobs with low risks to “life and limb”
Intrinsic Rewards Intr. Rew. – non-monetary reasons for working at a particular job Include worker’s pride, satisfaction in quality of work done, prestige, goodwill Ex: teachers, social workers, preachers, artists
Change in U.S. Labor Labor-intensive –an agricultural economy that produces goods primarily through animals & human power (what U.S. was) Industrialization – process of mechanizing all major forms of production, occurred during early 1800s Capital-intensive – economy depending on machines to produce goods (what U.S. has become due to industrialization)
Homework Read Ch 8, Sns. 1,2,3 (pgs ) Complete Ch 8 Review, “Identifying Ideas” and “Understanding Main Ideas” on page 192 (due Thursday) Calculate purchase of stocks.