Personalisation in Norfolk … An update Wendy Hardicker / Steve McCormack 1 July 2009.


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Presentation transcript:

Personalisation in Norfolk … An update Wendy Hardicker / Steve McCormack 1 July 2009

Large Rural County 720,000 population Generally healthy population An old and rapidly ageing population Rurality and poor transport links a challenge But also …

In Control Pilot for Social Care Now over 2,000 people receiving direct payments By 2010 aspiring to having 4, Individual / personal care budgets – underpinning Staying in Control approach

Norfolk is ambitious … ‘In Control’ – social care pilot From September 2008 ‘health pilot’ – “Staying in Control” Pilot for Integrated Care Organisations (ICOs) Pilot for Personal Health Plans Leader in the use of Assistive Technology – Telehealth & Telecare And now …… DoH provisional pilot for Personal Health Budgets

So what have we achieved Partnership approach Patient / carer involvement Dedicated project management / Plan Steering Group Implementation Team

Partnership Approach In NORFOLK we have Built on social care experience Involved Independent Living Norfolk & Age Concern IPSOS MORI survey Re: Personalisation Getting Personal – Getting Real (NSP)

Potential Health Budgets: User Views SCENARIO Jo currently has a personal budget to access respite breaks, day service and home care. When Jo planned support she was using a day service funded by NHS, which had to be left out. Since found one that is funded through Social Care! However ………..

Cont … Her comments were … Finding out what’s available & important Use of support organisations to ‘broker’ her requirements, etc. I needed a list of services and costs details are essential. Could she buy transport from a health budget? Need joined up documentation!!

Project Delivery Preparation phase Phase I – ‘preparing for a personal budget in Norfolk’ Phase II – ‘Implementing a personal health budget pilot in Norfolk

Preparation - Timelines OUTCOME – Achieve a suitable framework Engage Stakeholders – achieved Modelling with case studies – achieved Communications plan – achieved Establish user involvement – achieved Meet with focus groups – end of July Finalise plan for next phase – 3 rd August

Phase I Implementation Plan Explore how health and social care systems need to be aligned / changed to ‘receive one budget’. Explore different options for individuals – e.g. notional budgets / third parties, etc. Develop personal health planning process and system …………. Identify individuals for whom “individual (health) budgets” would improve their lives Plan for next stage

Phase II Target PHB offered to individuals – 10 by March 2010 Report by ILB on learning elements from project Identify and report on workforce issue arising Produce recommendations for health and social care systems changes Produce “Roll Out”

Target Outcomes Integrated framework from which individuals could be offered a personal budget across both health and social care ……. … that ‘buy-in’ is evident across range of Stakeholders An understanding of the requirements an individual needs in terms of advocacy or navigation support to use a personal budget.

Target Outcomes cont… (continued) An understanding of skills set needed of an advocacy and navigation role. An understanding of the limitations of personal health budgets.
