Seasonal Variation and Test of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Heating and Its Profile Zhong Shanshan, He Jinhai Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disasters of Jiangsu,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology NANJING UNIVERSITY OF INFORMATION SICENCE & TECHNOLOGY
1. Introduction 2. Data and Methodology 3. Seasonal Variation and Test of Tibetan Plateau Heating and Its Profile 4. Summary Outlines
height is the highest acreage is the largest surface feature is more complicated exerts pronounced effects on atmospheric circulations and climate worldwide Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau ( QTP) introduction 1
the QTP as a heat source is so great that it influences global atmospheric and oceanic circulations. (Krishnamurti T. N. et al., 1973; Ye D. Z.,1998; Zhao P, 2000 ; Zhao P., 2001 ) the strongest heat source Q1 in summer Asia is not over the QTP but in the northern Bay of Bengal and the South-China Sea – western Pacific. ( Chen L. X., W. L. Li, 1981) the QTP heating effect is pronounced. the QTP heating strength is not very pronounced.
How reasonable ? How strong ?
ECMWF daily reanalysis data ( ERA for short ) NCEP/NCAR daily reanalysis data daily OLR ( Outgoing Longwave Radiation) GPCP(Global Precipitation Climatology Project) monthly 3A12 data obtained from TRMM µwave Imager (TMI) : 1.surface rain; 2.latent heat monthly precipitation form 231 station in China (included 71station on tibetan plateau) Jun 4 th -14 th in 1998 , relative humidity from the radiosonde data at Anduo were obtained by GAME/Tibet project Data and methodology
Vertical integration atmospheric heating source (Yanai, et al.,1992 ) :.
Seasonal variation and test of Qinghai- Tibetan plateau heating and its profile
Distribution of the 23-yr mean ( ) vertically integrated heat source in summer by (a) ERA; (b) NCEP I Summer (ERA) Summer (NCEP)
( a ) 1979 ~ 2001 GPCP ( b ) 1998 ~ 2006 rain of 3A12 ( c ) 1979 ~ 2001 OLR ( d ) precipitation in China Summer (OLR)Summer Observed Rain Summer (GPCP)Summer (3A12 )
left : ERA right : NCEP Monthly mean distribution in horizontal over the QTP. (Units: W/m 2 ) Jan ERAJan NCEP Apr NCEP Jul NCEP Oct NCEP Apr ERA Jul ERA Oct ERA
ERA NCEP Regional averaged monthly (W/m 2 ) over the QTP in
Mean heating rate at≥3000m level over the QTP during ( Units : ℃ /day ) ERANCEP
MayJun JulAugSep MarApr NCEP ERA The vertical profile of monthly mean Q1 at ≥ 3000 m level over the QTP from March to September in ( ℃ /day)
MarAprMayJun JulAugSep Monthly mean Latent heat profile of 3A12 at ≥ 3000 m level over the QTP from March to September in ( ℃ /day) Latent heat
June 4 th -14 th 1998, Anduo’s vertical profile of left: heating rate Middle: relative humidity Right: latent heat Relative humidity latent heat
the precipitation of Anduo during June 4 th -14 th in 1998 ( unit : mm ) date rainfall The location of Anduo : 91°.06′E , 32°.21′N , 4801m)
Comparison of relative humidity with heating rate of Anduo during June 7 th -9 th 1998 L.RH ( % ) ; M.ERA (℃ /d ) ; R.NCEP (℃ /d )
Comparison of relative humidity with heating rate of Anduo on June 10 th and 12 th 1998 a 、 RH ( % ) ; b 、 ERA (℃ /d ) ; c 、 NCEP (℃ /d )
The distribution of maximum heating level over Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and its nearby regions in June during ERA 400hPa 500hPa 600hPa 500hPa
The distribution of heating rate on the maximum heating level in June ( ℃ /day)
As far as the calculated heat sources are concerned, NCEP- and ERA- based summer thermal sources clearly show the surface heavy rainfall centers of the Asian monsoon region. As a result, the findings are rational for the data used. For the two kinds of reanalysis data, their vertical profiles are similar during the period from March to September. However, the ERA is superior to NCEP, which is tested by the radiosonde data at Plateau station. summary
The thickness and intensity of heat source over the plateau change with season. The heating rate of the plateau which is comparable to the Bay of Bengal’s, is remarkable at the maximum heat source layer.
Aknowledgement The radiosonde data at Anduo were obtained by GAME/Tibet project, which was GAME-Tibet project supported by the MEXT, FRSGC, NASDA of Japan, Chinese Academy of Science, and Asian Pacific Network.