(日本血吸虫) From: 2007 动物医学( 2 )班 陈俊嘉 王熙 罗裕 钱磊
Control Diagnosis Symptoms Epidemiology Life cycle Morphology Introduction Schistosoma Lesions
Introduction Schistosoma japonicum: in the portal vein system( 门静脉系统 ) and the mesenteric veins( 肠系膜静脉 ) of human,cattle,goats,pigs,dogs,cats and rodents animals( 啮齿动物 )
Morphology The adults are dioecism (雌雄异体). Long cylindrical (长圆柱形). The oral sucker (口吸盘) is at the tip. The posterior sucker (腹 吸盘) is at the base and it is bigger.
Life cycle Intermediate hosts Oncomelenia (钉螺) e.g.planorbid snails final hosts human,cattle,goat s,pigs,dogs,cats the rodents animals( 啮齿动物 )
虫卵 毛蚴 外界 Intermediate hosts(Oncomelenia) 孢蚴 尾蚴 Intermediatehosts( Oncomelenia ) Final hosts (sensitive animals) Worm mainly distributed in the liver and colon wiggle organization, ovum mature, intestinal mucosa miracidium fall into the worm contains fluctuate, with its droppings in vitro. Containing worm eggs feces polluted water, in suitable conditions, miracidium eggs hatch within. miracidium in water meet appropriate intermediate host snail, invading screw body and gradually development. Cysticercosis mature after leaving correlativity, often distribution in the surface layer and water containing people or animals and cysticercosis water after contact through skin and cysticercosis infection. In the final host they gradually mature mating spawn 成虫
Epidemiology the infection rate (感染率) ——high the infection intensity (感染强度) ——large t the south China: perennial infection t the north hina: the infections mainly in May to October The disease popular in China, Japan, the Philippines, and so on. in the Yangtze river basin and thirteen provinces south of the Yangtse River
Symptoms t the Schistosoma japonicum of a large/few number adults (成虫) cause : (acute process) inappetence,depression, move slowly fever,diarrhea,tenesmus pale mucosa,edema,emaciation (chronic process) indigestion , develop slowly
Lesions liver : Tumescence (肿胀), hepatatrophia ( 萎缩 ) , sclerosis ( 硬化 ) intestinal wall: Thicken (增厚) Rough surface (表面粗糙) Egg granulomata ( 虫卵结节 )
Diagnosis pathogenic examination ( 病原学检查 ) immunological test ( 免疫 学试验 ) Stool examination : examination of eggs in feces IHA ELISA DDIA
Control Treatment Prevention destrucetion of snails( 灭螺 ) Praziquantel ( 吡喹酮 ) Amosconate,7505 ( 硝硫氰胺 ) Deptarax ( 敌百虫 ) Hexachloroparaxylence ( 六氯对二甲苯 )
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