How to get boys enjoy reading Prepared by Lamla Skundla Eikendal Library 5 May 2008
Is it a fact or fiction It’s no longer a secret, that boys need special attention when it comes to reading (leisure reading) Studies indicate that quite often boys feel that reading fiction books is a waste of time They tend to think that it’s inferior reading and they are mostly interested in non- fiction books- especially Reading is not masculine – it’s for sissies.
What could be the reason ? Lack of interest caused by people who force them to read what they find “boring”. Unavailability of books that appeal to them. Lack of role models- Male role models who openly show their love for reading. Most teachers and librarians who promote reading a women. Our (parents, teachers and librarians) lack of knowledge about what appeals to these boys
How do we get them hooked ? Encourage them to read what interests them, not what we want them to read. Allow them time to give their opinion about a book they find boring- but assure them that not all books are boring. Provide them with a wide range of books- for all their different reading interests and reading levels. Once they are hooked it is easy for them to engage in more sophisticated readings.
What do they really want to see in the library! Boys love short stories, humour They love graphic novels, comic books Cliffhanger endings- the book must always be hard to put down or leave them desperate to know what will happen next. Some funny and slightly gross stuff- something that makes them feel what their reading is subversive.
What is popular with boys at the moment ? Pilkey, Dav- Captain underpants series Abbott, Tony- The secret of droon series Scieszka, Jon- the stinky cheese man and other fairly stupid tales and the true story of the three little pigs Colfer, Eion-Legend of captain crow’s teeth, legend of spud murphy Peck, Richard- The teacher’s funeral: a comedy in three acts Marrianna Brandt Helen Brain