Intel ® Math William McCallum Institute for Mathematics and Education January 12, 2010 “Education and Innovation will be the currency of the 21 st century.” -President Obama’s Cairo Speech, June 4, 2009
Disclaimer The instructional practices and assessments discussed or shown in this presentation are not intended as an endorsement by the U.S. Department of Education 2
3 Course Themes Mathematics is problem solving Arithmetic, geometry, and algebra are interconnected There are many ways to solve problems Mathematics is a second language Arithmetic is a manageable set of rules applied to four operations in the context of different number systems
4 Program Tenets Research based and proven Equally respected by math educator and mathematician communities Collaboratively implemented and systems integrated at scale Success hinges upon quality instructors Highly values teacher knowledge and professionalism Safe and rigorous learning environments established Mathematics is not a spectator sport
5 Curriculum Big mathematical ideas that provide the framework for K8 mathematics Procedural fluency and conceptual understanding Multiple supports and differentiated Increasing rigor and cohesion Classroom transfer consistently modeled and explored explicitly in 8 one-hour pedagogy sessions
6 Understanding Mathematics FOILFOIL = first = outside = inside = last (a+b) (c+d)= ac +ad + bc + bd Heuristic mnemonic devices are not a substitute for procedural fluency (a+b) (c+d)
7 a + b c + d b a cd bc ac ad bd area = ac + ad + bc + bd { {
8 Addition and Language 2 sevenths + 3 sevenths = 5 sevenths = = 3 noun = apple adjective = number add adjectives keep nouns the same noun = sevenths adjective = numerator
9 Evaluation Methods Conducted by West Ed –Susan Mundry and Cathy Carroll Second Year (incl: CA, MA and NJ ) Three assessment tools –IM course content survey –Deborah Ball’s nationally-normed LMT survey –Self-report survey Participation rate ~ 85% with n=202
10 Evaluation Results Teachers have an increased ability to solve math problems correctly in all content areas assessed Overall, teachers improved their math content –Computational skills 14% (from 67.5% (pre) to 81% (post)) –Conceptual skills 22% (41% (pre) to 62.5% (post)) All sites showed gains on scaled scores of the LMT survey –Minimal Detectable Effect Size shows a moderate effect (which is considerable for education programs of this type and sample size)
11 Evaluation Results Teachers reported multiple classroom applications and multiple benefits to students Teachers reported the course provided lasting benefits –Mathematical knowledge, strategies, increased confidence, changing their teaching approaches, collaborative learning communities, etc. Course attrition rate was low –15% overall – all classes –3% - disregarding one folded class
12 Content Knowledge Growth Computational improvement = 14% Conceptual improvement = 22%
13 Content Knowledge for Teaching Growth The majority of teachers improved their content knowledge for teaching math
14 Outreach Achieve Evaluation TBD Instructor Recruitment AMS Curriculum Intel and IM&E Instructor Training MAA IM&E Intel Math Scaling Model
15 For more information,