Margaret McCullough
I NTRODUCTORY V IDEO Click on the video to see what they hype is all about! To play video clip, click on the movie image
Topic: Student Response Systems: How to implement them into your classroom! Population : This workshop targets Middle School and High School Teachers in the academic content areas. Outcomes: Teachers will be introduced to clickers Teachers will be trained on implementing clickers into the classroom curriculum Teachers will learn how Import lessons Create Lessons Organize Files Create and Edit Classes Teachers will be taught how to generate various types of data analysis reports Teachers will discuss learning tactics and games to use with students
W ORKSHOP M ATERIALS Location: Evans Middle School Media Center Small Group in teacher classrooms Technology Equipment CPS Clickers Computers Smartboard or LCD Projector and Screen Printer Other Resources Class Roaster Handouts provided by instructor
W ORKSHOP M ATERIALS C ONTINUED Online Applications Videos embedded in PowerPoint Copies or worksheets are linked online CPS tutorial websites Wiki Other Needed Material An open mind Willingness to try something new!
Activating Thinking Strategy “How fast can you grade” CPS Clicker Introduction How to prepare a class How to import lessons Generating Reports
Group Practice Create your own class Create your own lesson Extension and Explore Engage your clickers Timed Student Paced Multiple lessons Create a Report Questions to Curriculum Wiki Questions and Feedback
S UPPORTIVE R ESEARCH Watch this informative video and hear the research to support clickers in the classroom Video Link
Creating a Class This will help assist you in adding classes to your CPS file Adding Students to a Class This will help assist in adding students to your class. Creating a Lesson: This tutorial will help when adding lessons to your CPS file Generating a Report Explains how to generate reports
C URRICULUM WIKI Q UESTIONS Post the created questions to the Curriculum Blog Questions should be organized by grade and subject Click on the tutorial to helptutorial
With help from your group, complete the following: Create a class with a minimum of 25 students They can be from your actual roaster Add 5 Lessons 2 from Exam View 3 of your creation Generate 3 different types of reports Post your questions to the school wiki Detailed Handout
We will break up into small groups and meet in different classrooms Each person will use the members of their group to practice using the clickers Choose 1 assignment to engage your group members in Create 3 reports from the responses of your group members
Each group will choose 1 person to discuss their thoughts on some of the following topics Easy to Use Difficulties Likes and Dislikes Concerns about implementation Will you use clickers in your classroom? (Explain)
Evaluation of CPS setup and execution Please complete the Implementation of Clickers Rubric Please complete Collaboration Rubric Evaluation of the Workshop Do you feel you learned how to use clickers in the classroom? Please complete the Evaluation Rubric
Agenda Agenda (Instructor Copy) Tutorial Copies: Using CPS Tutorial Copies: Posting to Wiki Implementing Clickers Rubric Workshop Evaluation Rubric Reports Graphic Organizer What to do Graphic Organizer Link to Curriculum Wiki Link to Workshop Wiki