1 2012 TESOL Training Program at QUT 李國禎 (Richard Li) 台中市光明國中英語科教師 台中市國中英語輔導團輔導員 2012/09/25 ,向上國中.


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Presentation transcript:

TESOL Training Program at QUT 李國禎 (Richard Li) 台中市光明國中英語科教師 台中市國中英語輔導團輔導員 /09/25 ,向上國中

What are my goals today? How to apply for this program if you’re interested? What is this program composed of? How Australian teachers teach? What can we learn from this program?

3 Presentation Outline Background information TESOL training program Reflection The beauty of Brisbane

Some Background Information Application and interview Application Action research and oral presentation Action research Accommodation, transportation, food, cost of living, etc. Accommodation Brisbane and QUT 4

TESOL Training Program Language skills TESOL methodology School visits Micro teaching Assignments 5

Language Skills Getting to know you Classroom language skills Listening Speaking: 1, 2 Academic writing Reading and pronunciation Reading 6

TESOL Methodology Using authentic materials Teaching writing Teaching grammar Teaching listening Teaching reading Teaching speaking Teaching vocabulary Making the most of your textbooks: 1, 212 Using resources on the Internet 8

Some Important Characteristics Discussions, activities and tasks Discussionsactivitiestasks Too much lecturing is not good Running dictation Jigsaw puzzle Well-prepared and giving many handouts handouts Customers are always right 9

Micro Teaching A way for teachers to improve their teaching through demonstration and getting feedback Examples: 1, 212 The feedback 10

School Visits ST Thomas More College: an English class 1, 2, 3, ST Paul’s School: an Japanese class 1, 2,

Applications in Teaching Application of the language is important English class can be more student- centered and interactive Hands-on tasks and activities bolster learning Teachers should use English more often English learning should be fun, authentic and useful. 1,

Limitations Students’ level of English Class size and seating A very tight schedule Too noisy 13

The Beauty of Brisbane The CBD North Stradbroke Island Moreton Island Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary Springbrook National Park Working Holiday: 1, &type=3

Where to find the information 教育部中等教育司: school/itemize_list.aspx?site_content_sn= school/itemize_list.aspx?site_content_sn=13810 高雄市立左營高級中學英文學科中心: 國立臺灣師範大學英語系: 全國教師在職進修資訊網: 教育部職業學校外語群群科中心: 教育部國民教育社群網:

16 Thank you for your kind attention. Please send your feedback to: Also, please constantly visit: