1 1. How is Wal-Mart organized? List as many sections of Wal-Mart as you can (think of the large signs hanging from the ceiling) 2. Where would shampoo be found? 3. What other items would be with it and why?
3 Approximately how many named species are there on Earth? a) 750,000 b) 1 million c) 100,000 d) 2 million e) 50,000
Biologists have named and identified over 2 million species and estimate that million species still remain to be discovered. To study the large amount of BIODIVERSITY, biologists use classification to group organisms based on similarities.
6 Aristotle - first taxonomist, classified all living things plants or animals › What is wrong with this??? Carolus Linneaus - Swedish botanist, developed our current classification system
7 1. Physical Characteristics (How they look) 2. Evolutionary Trends (Who they’re related to) 3. Similarities in DNA and RNA (What their genes show) › DNA shows that American vultures are more closely related to storks than to African vultures 4. Behavioral patterns (How they act) 5. Developmental patterns (How they grow)
8 There are 8 major levels/taxa in biology. › DOMAIN – largest and most inclusive › KINGDOM › PHYLUM › CLASS › ORDER › FAMILY › GENUS › SPECIES - the smallest group: a group of individuals that can breed and produce fertile offspring
9 Domain Eukarya (includes all Protists, Fungi, Plants, and Animals) Kingdom Animalia (includes all animals) Phylum Chordata (includes all animals with a backbone) Class Mammalia (includes all animals with a backbone that have hair/fur and mammary glands) Order Primata (includes all animals with a backbone that have hair/fur and mammary glands that are bipedal with opposable thumbs)
Grizzly bearBlack bearGiant pandaRed fox Abert squirrel Coral snake Sea star KINGDOM Animalia PHYLUM Chordata CLASS Mammalia ORDER Carnivora FAMILY Ursidae GENUS Ursus SPECIES Ursus arctos
11 A. Kingdom B. Phylum C. Family D. Genus
12 A. Genus B. Phylum C. Family D. Species
13 Common names indicate nothing about relationships and classification. Scientific names help to clear up the confusion. Only one species has a given scientific name.
14 Scientific name = Genus and species › ALWAYS typed in italics or underlined if they are handwritten. › Genus – always capitalized, can be written alone › Species – never capitalized, usually descriptive of the organism, cannot be written without the genus name
15 A. Hyla Cinera B. Hyla cinera C. Hyla cinera D. Hyla Cinera
T AXON H OUSE C AT M OUNTAIN L ION D OMESTIC D OG H UMAN K INGDOM Animalia P HYLUM Chordata C LASS Mammalia O RDER Carnivora Primata F AMILY Felidae CanidaeHominidae G ENUS Felis CanisHomo S PECIES domesticusconcolorfamiliarissapien PRACTICE: Copy the questions and answer them. 1.Which organisms are most closely related? How so? 2.What taxonomic levels do all four organisms have in common? 3.What are the Kingdom, Phylum, Class, and Order for humans? 4.What is the lowest, or least inclusive, taxon at which the mountain lion and the domestic dog share common characteristics?