Research Snapshot Presentation to the Academic Council March 2011
Research Question Context of today’s discussion
Research Question Research is extremely difficult, it revolves around a question Having the right question differentiates success from failure
Research can have many objectives: training HQP changing policy adding knowledge economic development transferring knowledge But in the end it must be sustainable Therefore, research success can be defined as firstly transferring knowledge (generally means published), and secondly generating funding (sustainable).
Research success can be defined as: published (the knowledge disseminated) funded (sustainable) It is always hoped that research is: of high impact (matters) of high volume (generates significant funding)
Data Analysis Manuscript Writing Grant Writing Funding $ Data Collection SuccessfulSustainable
A few general concepts: only outstanding research is sustainable (will generate funding) NOSM will never have enough money to support on-going research NOSM can only invest in (seed) outstanding research NOSM can’t invest in research that can’t be externally sustained NOSM must focus on supporting team-based research NOSM-supported research must focus on our Strategic Plan
NOSM Research Trends (‘05 – ’10) Publications (focus on peer-reviewed, original research) Research Funding (Institutionally initiated and Investigator initiated) Collaborative Research Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Human Sciences
Below is a graph of the PubMed hits when searching “Northern Ontario School of Medicine” or “Northern Ontario Medical School”. Below is a graph of the Google Scholar hits when searching “Northern Ontario School of Medicine” or “Northern Ontario Medical School”. NOSM Publication Trends (2005 – 2010)
External Funds Received Institutionally Initiated – Research Office Managed Funding AgencyInitiative FY AwardedTypeTotal Awarded FedNor3rd Floor Laboratories05/06Infrastructure$6,000,000 BBI Phase I06/07Infrastructure$280,000 Research Interns06/07Operating$164,970 NOHFCResearch Interns06/07Operating$165,000 BBI Phase II07/08Infrastructure$1,125,000 HSFOSummer Student Awards05/06Scholarship$48,000 Summer Student Awards06/07Scholarship$36,000 Summer Student Awards07/08Scholarship$42,000 Summer Student Awards08/09Scholarship$30,000 Summer Student Awards09/10Scholarship$24,000 Chair in Aboriginal Health Research07/08Career Award$1,500,000 MTCU Chair in Aboriginal Health Research07/08Career Award$1,500,000 Funding SyndicateHR&I05/06External Study$675,000 Totals:$11,589,970.00
Medical SciencesHuman SciencesClinical SciencesTotal 2005$224,179.60$148,152.06$0.00$372, $935,000.00$375,000.00$100,000.00$1,410, $407,000.00$61,407.00$500,000.00$968, $101,335.00$2,316,700.00$415,000.00$2,833, $209,000.00$64,300.00$151,000.00$424, *2010$27,500.00$6,700.00$0.00$34, *2010 $/FT Faculty$26,595.12$93,571.43$33,457.64$172,716.79$19,521.43$2, *2010 data currently incomplete Investigator Initiated Grants c/f – Other Faculties of Medicine: Memorial – approx. $50,000 / FT Faculty Toronto – approx. $200,000 / FT Faculty External Funds Received
Year # Grants Submitted # Grants Approved Success Rate % % % % % % Note: 2010 data currently incomplete NOSM Grant Trends (2005 – 2009) Yearly Investigator Initiated Research Grant Submissions Success Rates
Data Analysis Manuscript Writing Grant Writing Funding $ Data Collection Moving Forward to Ensure the Cycle is Continuous and Sustainable