Battle of Gettysburg
Dear Mr. Spencer, Did you the following about the Battle of Gettysburg? It was fought from July 1-July3, 1863 CSA’s 2 nd Invasion of the North The CSA was commanded by General Robert E. Lee The US was led by General George G. Meade Rebels drive the Union back 1 st day but the Union holds onto the high ground The Confederates were unable to break the Union’s defenses the next 2 days. Both sides suffer very high casualties: 23,000 Union & 28,000 Confederate Lee lost over 1/3 rd of his army & is forced to retreat back to Virginia. The Union’s victory will mark the turning point of the war to their favor. Take care and hope to see you soon. Sincerely, Charlie Brown Mr. Matthew Spencer 7 th /8 th Grade Social Studies Teacher Lincoln Park Middle School 90 Ryerson Road Lincoln Park, NJ P.S. The present day location of the battlefield is Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Bibliography: Battle of Gettysburg (Picture) Davidson, James West & Stoff, Michael B. The American Nation (pages 473 & 474). Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey O’Shea Richard & Greenspan, David Battle Maps of the Civil War (pages ). American Heritage. New York, NY Woodhead, Henry Illustrated Atlas of the Civil War (pages ). Time- Life Books. Ann Arbor, Michigan 1996.