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This cautious Union general frustrated Lincoln during the early years of the Civil War. Who is George McClellan?
He was the most successful Union general in the early stages of the Civil War. Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
After the Emancipation Proclamation, these soldiers fought on the Union side in large numbers. Who are African American soldiers?
He surrendered his army at Appomattox Courthouse. Who is Robert E. Lee?
It was his main goal as president. What is to reunite the nation?
After this battle, the North and the South realized the Civil War would be a long, hard struggle. What is the 1 st Battle of Bull Run or 1 st Manassas?
After this battle in September 1862, Robert E. Lee was forced to retreat back into Virginia. What is the Battle of Antietam?
During the Civil War, both sides experienced this economic problem. What is inflation, or a rise in the price of goods?
He is remembered for his “March to the sea” toward the end of the Civil War. Who is William Tecumseh Sherman?
It became the North’s strategy toward the end of the Civil War. What is Total War?
They were four advantages the North had over the South. What are: 1.They had about 85% of the factories. 2.Twice as much railroad track 3.Twice as much farmland 4.2/3 of the population
It is the rule in which the military is in charge and citizen’s rights are suspended. What is martial law?
These three border states faced divided loyalties throughout the Civil War. What are: 1.Maryland 2.Missouri 3.Kentucky
Grant offered Lee surrender terms that could best be described by this adjective. What is generous?
They were two goals Lincoln shared in his Second Inaugural Speech. What are: 1.Peace with the South 2.The rebuilding of the Union.
They were three advantages the South had over the North. What are: 1.They fought mostly a defensive war. 2.They were familiar with the territory. 3.They had most of the nation’s experienced military officers.
This document ended slavery in areas fighting the Union. What is the Emancipation Proclamation?
Southern hostility toward the Union was regarded as strongest in these two states. What are: 1.Alabama 2.Mississippi
This battle in southern Pennsylvania stopped a major Confederate invasion of the North. What is Gettysburg?
It was the main message of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address. What is the end of slavery in the nation?
They were three main strategies the North used to defeat the South. What are: 1.A naval blockade of southern ports 2.Gain control of the Mississippi River 3.Invade Virginia and seize Richmond.
They were three technological advancements during the Civil War. What are: 1.Ironclad warships 2.Rifles and cannons were more accurate 3.Weapons could be loaded more quickly
These three “oddities” affected soldiers’ service in the Civil War. What are: 1.Soldiers from both sides often went home to plant or harvest crops. 2.Northerners could avoid the draft by paying $ Southerners who held at least 20 slaves did not have to serve.
This battle gave the Union control of the Mississippi river. What is Vicksburg?
These two American documents are similar in their support for the ideals of self-government and human rights. What are: 1.The Declaration of Independence 2.Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address