Materials, Design, Procedures,Costs
Materials PVC Pipe 2 Mineral water bottle with hard plastic 2 gallons 2 tap water Fabric Carbon active zeolith Aquarium filter PVC glue Oval aluminium
Procedure Firstly, make a hole at the bottom part of the gallon and fit the tap to the hole as shown in the picture below.
Second, cut the PVC pipe in various lengths depending on your needs as seen in the picture below
Thirdly, wash the aquarium filter and dry it. Then, cut it into 35cm x 35cm length.
Roll the 35cm x 35cm length aquarium filter and put it inside pipe number 2 as shown in the design phase.
Wash the carbon active and zeolith, then dry it. Cut the upper part and the lower part of the bottle
Set the fabric cloth on the mouth of the gallon and gently push the upper part of the bottle into the mouth of the gallon.
Cut the rest of the aquarium filter to make a four round shape. Fill the bottle with aquarium filter, ziolith and carbon active following the order of the picture below
Tie the mouth of the gallon and the bottle with the fabric tightly.
Connect pipe 3 as shown in the design phase with the lower part of the bottle.
After connecting pipe three, isolate it with the cellophane tape tightly. Make sure the pipe and the bottle is straight. Connect the pipe no. 3 with pipe no. 2 and the oval aluminium.
These two are the result of water using the 1st design
Problems with the 1st design There was leak out from the fabric. The fabric could not handle the pressure of the water. The water not fully clean yet. The pipes are not in equilibrium state that cause the water can not pass through both pipe. With these problem, we decided to came up with the new design.
Precaution Dirty water that will be used for purification should not be too concentrated. At least, clean water should be more than the mixture. Water that will be used also have to undergo some tests, like biological test, physical test, and chemical test. To make sure that no chemical substance there. All purifier should be clean. Before cleaning the water, each of the materials should be washed, especially zeolith, carbon active, ijuk, and sand. So that the waste there will not affect the experiment Make sure that all materials should fit the PVC pipes, so that the big molecules from water will not go down to the galoon first. Just let the water go down by itself. No need to push it away. The place for the purification should be cleaned too. Make sure no dirt there. After 1,5 months we should change the materials.