Konstantin Päts Boarding School of Tallinn, Estonia
Our school was established by our first president Konstantin Päts in 1938
Tradition: A Day of Bread in October, which has already been celebrated for 10 years In Estonia we eat dark rye bread We like the whole grain rye bread best, it smells, feels and tastes good Rye is always wholemeal: all the parts of the grain are included Almost 20% of rye consists of fibre Eating rye bread prevents diabetes and reduces the risk of cancer Natural conditions are suitable for growing rye in our fields Nowhere else can you find as many different varieties of bread as in Estonia 66 varieties of bread are sold in Tallinn
Day of Bread in our school: making healthy sandwiches
Making sandwiches is very popular especially among boys
An idea for Comenius program proposal: breads in European countries
Let´s make it together with friends from other countries.
The 1st of October was the day when the Comenius project “BREAD: Bread ´Round Europe and…” started. Partners: Slovakia, Germany, Lithuania, Estonia We´ll be using the symbolic status of bread to help our students realize the diversity and similarity in European cultures. “From grain to bread” will be the name of the first project meeting in Tallinn in November, 2007
We had a tour to participate in the bread programme in the Estonian Agricultural Museum in Tartu on 4th of October
In Agricultural Museum The children received a thorough overview of how bread is obtained, starting from everything connected with growing grain and finishing with tasting newly baked bread. The children learned to distinguish between different varieties of grain, they were able to try their hand in threshing and airing grain. They were also lectured on the history and importance of bread.
In Agricultural Museum we made a bread and played games
New project in Estonia: School Bread The year 2007 has been declared the year of rye bread in Estonia. It was this year that the school bread project started, which put the bread, alongside milk, made after the recipe chosen by children themselves, on the tables of school canteens. The patron of the school bread project is the first lady Mrs Evelin Ilves
School bread project in Estonia The students chose the best recipe, designed both the wrapping and the poster. In addition, the school bread is very heathy.
School bread School bread is sliced bread not baked in baking tins but at the bottom of the oven, which contains 90% or more of rye flour. The bread is made only with naturally fermented leaven and its salt content must not exceed 1%.
School bread to our president´s residence Castle of Kadriorg On Tuesday, Oct the 9th, the Estonian Society of Bread, traditionally took a loaf of bread, made from newly harvested grain, to our president´s residence, the Castle of Kadriorg. This year the present also included a loaf of school bread. Our First Lady sometimes makes bread by herself in their farmhouse Härma.
School bread project be expanded all over the European Union The Estonian Society of Bread suggests that the school bread project be expanded all over the European Union, in order to draw attention to children´s healthy nutrition.
Thank You for Your attention! Maiu Plumer Tallinn Konstantin Päts Boarding School