Metalib Categories Administration
2 The MetaLib Management interface is used for set up procedures relating to categories. Using the Categories Administration function on the Main Menu of the Management Interface (/M), the Categories Administrator can create categories and subcategories, set their display order, and assign resources to each sub-category New categories and subcategories can be added or modified at any time.
3 Manage Categories The first component of Categories Administration is Manage Categories. In this component, a master list of categories and subcategories is created. The Manage Categories window is comprised of two panes, with Categories on the left and Subcategories on the right.
4 Above both sections appear a series of icons representing the following functions, from left to right: –Create a new category –Rename a category –Set order of categories –Delete a category Clicking on the "New Category" icon will display a window to enter the name of the new category. After entering the category name and clicking on OK, the new category will be added. If other categories already exist, the new category will be added to the end of the list.
5 After a new category has been created, a general subcategory will also be created for it. The general subcategory is used for resources that do not belong to a subcategory, but to the category directly. To create additional subcategories, click on the category in the left pane, and use the "New Subcategory" icon in the right pane. The procedure is identical to creating new categories.
6 Assigning Databases After the category list has been created, resources (databases) can be assigned to the various subcategories –To assign a database to a subcategory, click on Assigning Databases. A window with three panes will open. The left pane contains a list of categories and subcategories; the middle pane contains a list of resources with action buttons; and the right pane contains a Find Menu for resources. –Use the Find Menu to search for the resources, which will be assigned to a particular subcategory.
7 –Click on Go to perform the search; the Find results will appear in the rightmost pane. –To add a resource only to a subcategory, select (highlight) the subcategory and then use the arrow to move the resource to the middle pane. Use the arrows adjacent to a resource name to move the resource to the middle pane. The middle pane contains the list of resources belonging to the specific subcategory.
8 All Subcategories In order to dynamically create the "ALL" subcategory in all categories, click on the "All Subcategories" link in the navigation bar. This function creates a new index of all subcategories. This index will create or update the "ALL" subcategory automatically under each category. The "ALL" subcategory enables end users to search in all of the subcategories simultaneously.
9 Category Display The Category Display function is divided into two panes. The left pane contains a list of the master categories. Clicking on one of the categories in the left pane will display that category's subcategories in the right pane. Category Display allows administrators to view the master categories, and modify the display names and order in which these categories and their subcategories are displayed in the various user interfaces (portals, languages). The Administrator must have credentials in the institution whose categories he is modifying.
10 Clicking on the “Change” link on the top right corner of the page opens the “Portal Parameters” window, which enables the Group Administrator to navigate between different institutions, portals, and languages. Clicking “OK” on the Portal Parameters page displays the category display structure of the selected institution, portal and language. The left hand pane of the Category Display window consists of two columns: categories and their display names for the selected institution and portal/language. The box to the left side of each category can be unchecked if the Administrator does not want it displayed in the User Interface. The category order can be modified using the up/down arrow icon.
11 Clicking on the category’s name opens a window on the right hand pane that enables the Administrator to modify the category’s and subcategories' display names. The subcategories' order can be modified using the up/down arrow icon. Changes of display names will take effect only after clicking the “Submit” button on the bottom right hand corner of the page. Some changes may require re- running the "ALL subcategories" procedure in order to take effect.
12 Distribute Categories The Distribute Categories function enables Group Administrators to replicate a category structure built for an institution's portal to another portal, language, or institution. It enables portals to import only parts of the institution's master category list for its own use. This feature saves time and effort for institutions, within a consortium, wanting to maintain a unified category structure.
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