Chris Head Forum Co-ordinator IMKS Forum event 15 July 2007
Transparency Commitment to open data and transparency Response to MPs expenses scandal? Pressure to increase quality of public sector data sets and information assets Publishing tools Accessibility, interpretation
Transparency extend the scope of the Freedom of Information Act (FoI) implement a Sustainable Communities Act letting citizens know how their taxes are spent publish all government ICT contracts online, and all other contracts over £25,000 and for local government all those over £500 publish the job titles of every member of staff, the salaries and expenses of senior officials, and advertise every vacancy online
Transparency oblige the police to publish detailed crime statistics, and share non-confidential gun and knife crime information with hospitals establish a ‘right to data’ for citizens to access government datasets require councils to publish meeting minutes and local service and performance data detail every UK project that receives over £25,000 of EU funds
NHS Publish detailed data about the performance of healthcare providers online, Put patients in charge of making decisions about their care, including control of their health records
Transparency – a new lever Another CCT? Drive for efficiency & effectiveness Not just public sector – pressure extends to commercial suppliers Increase or decrease FoI requests? Contact point for advice and support –Including technical
Information and data Data sets alone of limited value see Information: putting data in context to add meaning Review of all ICT projects >£1 million –Looking for savings