MMdb is the MUGEN consortium’s virtual on-line mutant mouse strain repository It is a database whose schema was designed with PostgreSQL and is managed with enterprise java beans (EJBs) technology It’s interface was developed using xml, jsp, servlets and other java classes What is the MMdb
MMdb is acting as a link between MUGEN participating institutions Simplifies data exchange and submission for researchers Easy for researchers to share their data with whoever might be interested by switching the dissemination level of submitted data to Public, thus making data available to all visitors of the MMdb Serving Purposes
Key Features Numerous ways of categorizing data for every single mutant’s dataset, for easier sorting (i.e. research application, mutation type, gene affected etc.) Registered users can submit, edit and even delete their own data by themselves (…of course they cannot edit/delete data submitted by fellow MUGEN participants) Mutant strains, genes and references are directly linked to other databases (i.e. EMMA, JAX, MGI, ENSEMBL, ENTREZ, ARRAYEXPRESS, EUREXPRESS, PUBMED)
Even More Key Features The MMdb is FULLY searchable and EASY to use! Database can handle all kinds of files (i.e. docs or pdfs for handling and genotyping instructions and also references, images for phenotyping data) The schema of the database is extremely flexible allowing easy integration of differently structured datasets and adaptation of other data schemas, thus making a first step towards database interoperability and interconnectivity
MUGEN Mutant Mouse List
Sorting the List The mutant list can be sorted according to research application, affected gene, institution, mutation type and dissemination level by simply selecting a value from the drop down menu
A Mutant’s Detailed Information Page Each tab represents a different category of data relevant to a mutant Each category can be easily edited as long as the user has the right to User’s comments (user may post comment on particular mutant mouse)
Creating/Editing A Mutant Basic data creation/editing of mutant Line name entered, research application chosen from drop-down list, contact person selected, comments inserted and desired dissemination level chosen NOTE – the desired dissemination level is different from the actual dissemination level. The actual dissemination can be switched to public only by the MMdb administration and only after the data have been thoroughly checked for their correctness and integrity.
Adding Availability for A Mutant This is an example of how to add availability information to a mutant Repository, genetic background, strain type and state selected from the relevant drop-down lists Available repository and genetic background lists may also be enriched by clicking on the appropriate links
Other Mutant Information Apart from general & availability information, one can also add Genetic Background Information (DNA origin, targeted, host and backcrossing background and of course number of backcrosses) Mutation type and allele information (you can pick a mutation type from a drop-down list, add the allele’s name and symbol, its MGI id etc.) A list of affected genes (one can either choose from a list or provide a new gene) Handling and genotyping info in the form of documents or hyperlinks References again in the form of hyperlinks or documents
Creating/Editing A Gene Similar to mutant mouse data entry/editing, GENE submission is also available
Gene Information Apart from obvious gene information such as gene name, gene symbol and chromosome one can be redirected to other on-line databases, notably MGI, ENTREZ, ENSEMBL, ARRAYEXPRESS and EUREXPRESS II A gene’s page – lists all the related MUGEN mutant mice
Searching… The MMdb search engine is looking for the provided keyword in every possible field in the database. Just type in a little keyword and press search. For this example we are looking for ‘cre’
Results …50 hits! The cre search resulted in a list of 50 mutants & genes The list contains the name of the entity that contained the keyword, its entity type and some comments (if available)
Help Section All major functionalities (a.k.a. workflows) of the MMdb are split into 3 categories each represented by a tab To see all the detailed steps of a workflow – just click on the tab
The Help Section (Details of a Workflow)
The Public View The public view is more or less the same as the registered user’s view…. But (at least for now) less mice are enlisted, since less mice are registered as public…
A Mutants Public Detail Page Public mice offer the same amount of information for registered and unregistered users The biggest difference though is that public users have absolutely no write permission on any sort of data
Other Features Have also developed phenotype data handling Complete storage and handling of phenotypic data and most importantly end up with a widely acceptable data structure
Connection to other Databases We have browsed through MMdb and considered the abilities that this database has Icons on the right hand side of the MMdb page Will lead directly to IMSR’s, EMMA’s, MGI’s, EurExpress’s, ArrayExpress’s or Ensembl’s search pages
Interoperability? Future Plans? Having adopted the IMSR data format for our database schema, we could claim to have made a significant step towards defining a minimum information dataset for the mouse model Our aim is to describe the ideal mouse using a comprehensive and well-structured dataset* –Use other online resources –Implement/adopt web services (i.e. BioMart etc) –Use standard ontologies – already using MP terminology and look forward to using any new or updated ontology terms that may make mouse model description better Ultimate goal - Combine phenotypic and genotypic data so as to draw conclusions *The Mouse Phenotype Database Intergration Consortium (2007) Integration of mouse phenome data resources. Mamm Genome 18(3):
Interoperability? Future Plans? B.S.R.C. Fleming Institute 34 Fleming Str., Vari, 16672, Greece Vassilis Aidinis Menelaos Manoloukos Christina Chandras Michalis Zouberakis George Kollias