Get HYP, Get Healthy Healthy Living for Everyday People
The Healthy Youth Partnership Mission: HYP works to eliminate youth obesity through collaborations that promote healthy and active living in the St. Louis Region.
HYP as a “connector” Kids and Families Effective Health Programs Schools The Community
Today’s HYP model Built for success
Who HYP is today Goal 1: To develop, advocate, and support implementation of policies addressing youth obesity at local, state and national levels. Wellness Policy – Expanding and providing outreach to neighbouring school districts i.e. Jennings Food Policy – Convening partners on the issue of local access to healthy, affordable, culturally sensitive foods for all in the St. Louis Metro Region
Food Policy Collaborated with UM Extension, Congressman Carnahan’s office, St. Louis University, St. Louis Mayor’s office, the East Missouri Action Agency, and Gateway Greening to plan and host the First Annual Food Summit on March 3 rd. Brought in National speakers on the food system on the topics of Farm to School, Local Healthy Retail, Production/Distribution and Access to local foods.
Post Summit: Identified work groups – Urban Agriculture, Production, Waste Management, Distribution, Retail/Sales, Farm to School Core group is forming the Governing Committee Strategic Planning
Services for Partners: Goal 2: Coordinate efforts of HYP Partner organizations and leverage their collective power for a greater impact Committee is working on a project that will map: Who the agency is: » Who they serve – targeted population »Type of Services provided »What areas of the city they serve »Identify potential gaps in services and/or »Opportunities for Collaborations
Services for Partners, con’t. Goal 3: Provide value to HYP partner organizations that support them to be most effective in their work to eliminate youth obesity. Increase skills of partners and member organizations - –Training and Technical assistance provided at Full Partnership Meetings –Promote Evidenced based practices – hosting training seminars
State Initiatives: Missouri Council on Activity and Nutrition – MoCAN CoChair for the Policy Work Group –Farm to Institution –School PE –Complete Streets
Farm to Institution Bill Why Farm to Institution? Over 2,000 schools in the US serve locally produced foods Provides smaller family farms with a new market Distributes fresh and local produce with food from a known source Increases quality of produced with decreased transit time/carbon print Provide school children with healthier meals that reinforce lessons taught in classrooms Spurs other community programs such as composting, recycling, and community gardens
Farm to Institution Bill MO HB 1833 –Establish a Farm to Institution Program within the Department of Agriculture –Create a website to link farms and institutions –Facilitate the development of food procurement procedures –Goal of 20% local food purchased for school consumption by 2018 –Goal of 20% local food purchased for State Institutions by 2028
The Future of HYP An eye on sustainability and growth
HYP’s strategic plan Identify new “community access points” –Faith Based coalitions, additional schools, corporate Bolster effective evaluation Build capacity of partners to expand their services Strengthen HYP infrastructure
How Can YOU get involved? Join HYP – Download the application and either mail or in – that simple. Join the Food Policy Council – just follow the link and add your name to the list serve. OR, Sign in to our Face book Page: Creating a Healthy Food System in St. Louis