Miruna Badescu Eau de Web Biodiversity Action Plans data reporting and publishing
2 BAP reporting on 2008 and 2010 Data and information collected by the countries and aggregated by the Commission Final reporting made in PDF format Difficult to extract reported data and information because of the lack of structure Manual work needed into compare different actions and targets per country Manual work needed in reusing (parts of) the information into aggregated reports
3 BAP reporting in Reportnet Lack of structured delivery formats does not allow automatic conversion to other formats or automatic quality assessment
4 Publishing process Reported data was copied from the PDF files and pasted into a relational database Long and fully manual process Issues occurred during transformation: different encodings, text formatting, special characters Initially - MS Access database build for the construction of the EU Community Report Data migrated into MySQL, for the presentation on the BISE portal Several rounds of manual checking were necessary
5 EU BAP report 2010 into BISE (1) Data available per country: Objectives Targets Actions Measures of Progress
6 EU BAP report 2010 into BISE (2) Comparison of data for multiple countries, and with the Community Report
7 EU BAP report 2010 into BISE (3) The Community Report is aggregated by the Commission and lists for each Objective, Target and Action: -Community actions -Progress since the last reporting (2008)
8 Conclusions and recommendations Reportnet deliveries should be made in structured format XML, RDF Excel Relational database The SOER approach (SEIS) makes the further checking and integration of BAP data easier and will less errors It should be possible to aggregate future deliveries into the BISE easier It should be easy for other applications to grab and reuse the BAP data