ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports North Carolina Independent Colleges & Universities
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports Go to: ICAN Web Reports and log on using the address and the password that you set up when you applied for your ICAN Sub-Award. This will take you to the “Dashboard Screen.”ICAN Web Reports If you have forgotten you password, please click on the “Forgot your Password?” link. New users - An account has been created for you. Please use your address and last name (which is case-sensitive) to log in. New users should change their password once they have logged in.
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Dashboard Screen : Click on the link under the “Status” heading (circled in red below) Note – in the example listed below, the status is complete; however, the status will be listed as incomplete until you have completed & submitted your report. New Users should click on the “Welcome … ” link (highlighted in yellow, circled in green) to change their passwords. This will open a new window. The fields to change your password are at the bottom of the page. Select “Save” to return to the previous screen.
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : Enter Requested Information, beginning with Institution Name, which you will select from a drop-down list. Note – Some fields have been pre-populated by the Grant Lifecycle Manager (GLM) software, e.g., Contact Information, Due Date, & Project Name.
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : Please write a brief summary of the activities held during the past month (e.g., planning meetings, program events, etc.).
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : Then enter the methods used to document the activities that occurred in the past month as well as any evaluation measures in the “Documentation & Evaluation” section.
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page : If expenses were incurred by the program in the previous month, please enter the total amount in the “Expenditures” section.
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Follow-up Page: Enter the current balance, which is your award amount minus your expenditures, in the “Balance” section and click the “Submit Form” button. This will open a “Confirmation” page. Note – You also have the option of clicking the “Save as Draft” button, which will allow you to leave this page, return, and submit it at a later time.
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports On the Confirmation Page: Please click on the “Continue” button. This will take you back to the dashboard screen (where you started).
ICAN Monthly Milestone Reports From the Dashboard Screen : Please click on the “Log Off” link and close your browser.
Congratulations! You’ve completed your first Monthly Milestones Report Please contact us at or (919) if you have any questions or