Safe Internet Surfing
The internet provides a wonderful instrument for locating information, playing games, and communicating with friends. It provides great opportunity if used correctly. This PowerPoint will provide websites that will give you the tools to “surf” the internet safely and the means to handle and report misuse.
Online Gaming Free games online can sharpen reading, math and comprehension skills. They can be fun, pass the time and teach competition. But, games are built to make you want to play more and spend a lot of time online so you must learn to set limits on game time. Surf the following internet site to find good gaming practices. l/gaming.aspx
Social Networking My Space and Face Book are called social networks. Social Networks are a place for people to go to communicate with friends and find others who share the same interests. The following sites will provide tips on making your homepage safe and tips on proper internet etiquette.
Online Predators Very simply, use every safe internet tool that you have to make your internet surfing safe. The following site will give tips regarding dealing with a cyberbully, pinpointing a predator, and what organizations to report internet misuse. x
Texting to Twitter, Blogging to Vlogging The internet has changed drastically in the past few years and will continue to evolve and change. But, the tips that you have learned will continue to provide tools for safe internet use. Following are a few review questions to test your memory (and common sense). Please let your teacher know when you have begun the review. Click on the answer you believe is correct. After the review, feel free to access the websites again. When you have completed the review, ask your teacher for the project and rubric sheet.
1. When playing online games: It is safe to give out your address and IM address. It is safe to give out your address and IM address. You can keep the conversation impersonal and still have fun.You can keep the conversation impersonal and still have fun Be sure to use a nickname when you send your picture. Be sure to use a nickname when you send your picture.
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2. When adding a picture to your profile, it is a good idea to: Choose a color photo over a black photo.hoose a color photo over a black photo. Use a cartoon character.Use a cartoon character. Keep the background simple.Keep the background simple
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Whoa! Dude, try again!
3. If you add a person to your contact list and the person begins to bully or misuse their privileges it is too late to delete them. True True False False
Awesome, Dude!
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4. When you are being “cyberbullied”, do not: Save the evidence of the bullying. Save the evidence of the bullying Tell a trusted adult. Tell a trusted adult. Retaliate and send messages and pictures about them. Retaliate and send messages and pictures about them. Learn how to block the bully from IM or delete them from your contacts. Learn how to block the bully from IM or delete them from your contacts.
Whoa! Dude, try again!
Awesome, Dude!
5. If you have to get together with a person you have met online, remember to: Don’t go alone Don’t go alone Meet in a public place Meet in a public place Tell others where you are going. Tell others where you are going. All of the above. All of the above
Whoa! Dude, try again!
Great Job, Dude!
6. When a “pop-up” appears telling you that you are a winner: a. Someone is trying to get your personal information. b. Fill out the information carefully so that you will receive the prizeb. Fill out the information carefully so that you will receive the prize. c. It is a harmless way for businesses to advertise.
Awesome, Dude!
Whoa! Dude, try again!
Great Job! Continue to surf the web safely by remembering these tips and tools. Sites for more information: Dwanna Callaway Spring II LS 591 Final Project