Olivia Generales Favorite Color: Blue and green Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite T.V. Show: Flip this House Favorite Season: Summer Favorite Subject: English or History Favorite Book: Rebecca Favorite Place: California Favorite Song: Brown Eyed Girl Favorite Activity: Anything involving the water or sports Favorite Person: My mom Favorite Holiday: 4th of July Favorite Color: Blue and green Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite T.V. Show: Flip this House Favorite Season: Summer Favorite Subject: English or History Favorite Book: Rebecca Favorite Place: California Favorite Song: Brown Eyed Girl Favorite Activity: Anything involving the water or sports Favorite Person: My mom Favorite Holiday: 4th of July
My Personal Number Museum Birthday: 7/14/1986 Height in Inches: 61 Time you were born: 4:59 pm Phone Number: Address Number: 1257 Favorite Number: 7 Shoe Size: 5 1/2 Birthday: 7/14/1986 Height in Inches: 61 Time you were born: 4:59 pm Phone Number: Address Number: 1257 Favorite Number: 7 Shoe Size: 5 1/2
My Special Event This Christmas my family went over to California. We are originally from southern California and all of my dad’s family still lives there. We had not been in a few years, so it was exciting for all of us. We had such a wonderful time hanging out with my cousins, aunts and uncles, and great uncle. We went to the San Diego Zoo, Coronado, La Jolla, San Marcos, and Redondo Beach.
5 Things I Want My Class To Know About Me I love our cohort! I love my family! I need a job, any suggestions? I love the Gators! I love UF! I love being outside! I love our cohort! I love my family! I need a job, any suggestions? I love the Gators! I love UF! I love being outside!
My Semester Goals 1. Make the most of every day and use my time wisely. 2. Work hard and play hard. 3. Graduate. 1. Make the most of every day and use my time wisely. 2. Work hard and play hard. 3. Graduate.