By the end of the lesson… I will have recapped what scales are I will have learned about scales with flats
Scales What are scales? What major scale has one sharp? What minor scale has one sharp? How do we work this out?
What scale has one flat? To work this out, we can use the circle of fifths. What is the circle of fifths?
Let’s work this out….. C major has no sharps or flats G major has one sharp D major has two sharps Which key has three sharps?
Use the keyboard to help you C D E F G A B C
Flats What would happen if we were to go the other way? C major has no sharps or flats If we go the other way (a fifth down), we can find the key with one flat in a major scale.
Circle Of Fifths
Circle of Fifths worksheet Fill in the circle of diagram. Next to each stage on the circle, write down how many sharps or flats each key has
Is there a system for working out which sharps and flats are used where? You might know how many flats are used in Bflat major, but which particular notes need to be flattened?
Sharps Father Christmas Gave Dad An Empty Box
Flats Boiled Eggs And Doughnuts Give Children Farts
So… One flat is F major Two flats is Bflat major Three flats is Eflat major And so on…. How do we work out the related minor of these?
On the sheet, write down the sharps and flats needed for the given keys Start sharps and flats worksheet
Next task - Work out the notes given to you in the next piece of music Then see if you can identify the key and play the music on the keyboard.
Plenary What have learned today? What key has two sharps? What key has two flats? How do we remember the order of sharps? How do we remember the order of flats?