Chapter 1 At the start, Mum and Dad lose their job at the brickworks! So they decided to sell their house and buy a yacht to sail around the world. However, before they set sail Mum and Dad collected all of Michael’s school work for the time being. Before they left Eddie (Michael’s best friend) gave him a football. Finally Mum and Dad sold the house and bought a yacht called the Peggy Sue. Mum was the skipper as she seemed to know the most about sailing. On 10 September 1987 the grand adventure began. Asjdfjshdf;aksh
Chapter 2 The family were fully prepared for the journey wearing all the appropriate sailing gear. Everything got damp even the sleeping bags. However Michael loved helping his dad with endless mending and fixing. He often needed an extra pair hands. Stella Artois (the dog) would often bark at the open ocean. Often dolphins, flying fish, sharks, whales even turtles would come swimming by and Mother would regularly take photographs and videos of them. Unfortunately Michael’s Mum would suffer seasickness (she looked ‘white to the gills’). Sometimes storms came but thankfully they quickly blew over because Michael always had to do homework during them. If he got stuck with homework his Mum or Dad would help him. Michael had the job of filling in the ships log every morning, every evening, without fail. He would often do his English at night time while on watch. The log is getting old, wrinkled and yellowed with age.
Chapter 3 – Ships log 20 September - They sailed around the Bay of Biscay which was very stormy and dangerous they feared they would sink! 10-11 October - Today they saw Africa, it was the hottest day and they spotted a basking shark but unfortunately Michael missed it. 16 November – Left Brazil after doing lots of repairs to the yacht and playing football on the beach. The family won the match! Mum got photographs developed some of them were brilliant they will be great memories. 25 December – Christmas Dinner with damp crackers and Gran’s pudding. Mum won Chess 21 games to 2o, Dad said he let her win because it was Christmas. 1 January – Cape town in Africa we are going to stay for a while and see real lions and elephants in the wild. 7 February – Stella fell overboard and after a frantic rescue the family got her back safely onboard. 3 April – Australia is in sight and Mum has promised to go to the doctors as she is still getting stomach cramps. 28 May – Arrived in Australia and now staying with Uncle John on a farm. I didn’t like the snakes and the thoughts of spiders in toilets. They saw lots of wild life and loads of kangaroos. Mum is feeling much better now and the weather is really hot and no wind but there maybe a storm coming. 28 July – After leaving Australia they have been hit by lots of storms which have caused damage to the yacht. Mum is feeling very sick and needs a doctor, everyone is very tired. Michael was trying to get Stella into the yacht when they ended up falling into the sea.
Chapter 4 Suddenly Michael fell into the sea with Stella and the lucky ball! Michael called and called but no one heard him. The next morning Michael woke on a island with Stella! They looked for water but did not find any, but they found a cave with food and water for them both!!! Next Michael decided to light a fire after a while he had to go looking for more sticks. He returned to find THERE WAS A MAN!!!
Chapter 5 The man was tall, skinny and was Japanese. He spoke English and was saying “NO FIRE!”. Michael most of the time obeyed this because he needed his food. Michael found sleeping hard with the flies biting him so Kensuke got him a blanket.
Chapter 6 One day Michael decided to build a beacon on Watch Hill so Kensuke would not find it but the orang-utan did. The next day a storm broke over so Michael found it hard to sleep. Then a boat came, Michael lit his fire but Kensuke found the beacon and put it out! Michael was so angry he swam in sea and got stung by a jellyfish then he fell into a deep sleep!!! He built a beacon
Chapter 7 Michael started to get on with Kensuke so one day Kensuke took him spear fishing in the shallows, he had a great time! Then later on he took Michael out on his boat to deeper sea to catch bigger fish to eat!!! After, Kensuke told him how he got on island and about his family being killed by the Amercians! Then he told Michael about the American’s coming to the island and saying everyone dead in Nagasaki!
Chapter 8 Kensuke told Michael everything while they were fishing! He told Michael about how he became a docter on a warship and how his ship sunk near this island! He told him about how he had found Michael and Stella and pulled him on to the boat! Michael couldn’t be leave this!!!! Michael and Kensuke caught a lot of fish by the end of the day. When they got back Michael put a message in a bottle but later Stella went and fetched and gave it to Kensuke! After that Kensuke did talk to Michael for a while!!!
Chapter 9 Kensuke went in to a aching silence with Michael but one night Kensuke woke Michael up and took him down to the beach! Then suddenly, thousands of baby turtles started running to the sea! Some of the turtle were too weak to make it to the beach so Kensuke and Michael helped them. Not all them made it because they were carried away by birds at sea but most of them made it! Soon Michael and Kensuke became good friends again!
Chapter 10! 1. Kensuke and Michael started to begin to make a beacon again but when they saw a boat and they were about to light it when Kensuke said, it is the killer men! As quickly as they could they gathered up the orang-utans into Kensuke’s cave and kept them safe while the killer men killed the other wild life! Chapter 10! 2. After the killer men had gone, Michael and Kensuke buried the animals that had been sadly killed. SUDDENLY, there was a boat on horizon, it was the Peggy Sue! As quickly as they could they lit fire and the Peggy Sue came back and picked up Michael! THE END
Thank you for watching Power point made by: Jack Henderson P7 Power point based on: Kensuke’s Kingdom by: Michael Morpurgo