1 PowerPoint II Slide Transitions, Animations, and Links
2 INDEX 4 Slide Transitions Slide Transitions 4 Custom Slide Animation Custom Slide Animation 4 Links to Slides Links to Slides
3 Slide Transitions 4 Click Slide Show, Slide Transition 4 There are several choices to make " Transition " Automatic or On Click " Sound Effect " Apply to 1 or All
4 Transition Choices 4 Click on the Transition menu 4 Click on a Transition 4 Choose Slow, Medium, Fast
5 Transition Timing 4 Do you wish to control when this slide is displayed, leave the default - On Mouse Click 4 If you want this slide to be displayed Automatically, select that box and enter how many seconds after the pervious slide was displayed you wish to switch to this new slide
6 Transition of What? 4 This slide only - Apply 4 The entire slide show - Apply to All
7 Time-out For Practice Now is the time for you to open your PowerPoint presentation and practice using slide transitions.
8 Custom Animation 4 Go to the slide you want to animate 4 Click Slide Show, Custom Animation 4 You will choose 2 things: Timing and Effects
9 Custom Animation - Timing Click on the Timing tab. Each box is an object and is highlighted when you click on it. 4 Select object 4 Pick Animate 4 Pick On mouse click or Automatically 4 If Automatically, also select after how many seconds to execute
10 Custom Animation - Effects Click on the Effects tab. 4 Select visual effect 4 Select sound effect 4 Text can appear all at once, by word, or letter 4 Text can also appear by group 4 After animation - additional action
11 Custom Animation 4 Preview often to see that your settings are correct and what you wanted Practice Time Select several of your slides and apply Custom Animation effects to them
12 Linking Slides This allows you to create the option of jumping from the slide you are on to some other designated slide, somewhere else in the Slide Show. You can use buttons or create a hypertext link.
13 Linking Slides - Hypertext 4 Click Insert, Hyperlink 4 Do Not enter any information 4 Click the Browse button in the middle of the page
14 Link Slides - Hypertext 4 Select the slide you wish to link to 4 Click OK
15 Link Slides - Buttons 4 Click Slide Show, Action Buttons 4 Any button can be linked to several actions 4 Select the button you want 4 Click and drag on your slide to place the button
16 Link Slides - Buttons 4 The Action Settings menu should appear after you place the button on the slide. 4 Select the name of the slide to link 4 Click OK 4 Change the size of the button by clicking and dragging on the squares that surround the button 4 Move the button by clicking in the center of the button and dragging it
17 Linking Slides - Buttons Practice Time Insert a link of both types in your PowerPoint show