In-Class Exercise This in-class exercise will afford you practice in creating and using interactive features of PowerPoint. Instructions for each following slide are provided throughout this presentation. If you have time, feel free to add colors, backgrounds, graphics, animated objects, sounds, and other features. Have fun!
INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEXT SLIDE: Change the color of the action button located on the next slide.
Color this button Don’t get stuck using green all of the time. Change the color of the button below.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEXT SLIDE: Add an action button to navigate to College Misericordia’s home page.
Navigation with action buttons Press the button below to navigate to the home page of College Misericordia.
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE NEXT SLIDE: Find a document in the “My Documents” folder of the computer you are working on. Create an action button to open that document in Word.
Open a Word Document Press the button below to open a Word document right in PowerPoint!
INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEXT SLIDE: Download a sound effect. Using action settings, make the graphic hot so that the sound effect will play when the student rolls the mouse over the graphic.
Hear the monkey!
INSTRUCTIONS FOR NEXT SLIDE: There are three buttons on the next slide. Activate the buttons so they will jump the user to the one of the next three slides that follow.
Learn about lions! Select from the following menu: Read about lions. See a picture of a lion. Answer a question.
Read about lions The lion is known as the “king of the beasts.” Many lions roam free in the country of Africa. Lions make a loud roaring sound!
See a picture of a lion
Answer a question What is the lion’s nickname? –Big guy. –King of the beasts. –Man’s best friend.