Characters in Lord of the Flies GCSE REVISION
Ralph O Ralph is a natural leader O He seems sensible but fun O He is the only “good” survivor O Links to the Conch O He is Democratic O Becomes a man O His name is derived from Old English word for "wolf council" O “there was a mildness about his mouth and eyes that proclaimed no devil." O “golden hair” O His emotional stability decreases until he cries for the first time at the end of the book.
Jack O Leader of the choir O He is an obvious bully O Jealous of Ralph and the fact that he was chosen to be leader over him O He is hungry for power O Ginger and freckled, not as physically attractive as Ralph, is this why he covers his face with paint? O Obsessive, with hunting especially. O Becomes a beast by the end of the book. O Name means ‘lord of the land’ in Old English or could be derived from the Hebrew name Jacob which literally means "one who takes over“
Piggy O Piggy is destined to die from the start. You could argue this because of the “survival of the fittest” theory. O He has physical disadvantages because he is fat, asthmatic and is short sighted. Without his glasses, everything becomes a blur. O Piggy is the wisest character. O He displays a feminine voice as he looks after the littleuns’ and seems to be the only one who cares about them. O He acts much more maturely that the other boys O He is the second boy that we see die. O He is unwanted O He is an obvious outsider O Ralph only realises what a true friend Piggy was at the end of the book.
Roger O Roger emerges gradually in the book O Is he evil? O he murders Piggy O Name means ‘good with spear’ in Old English O He is cruel. He deliberately spoils the littluns' games. Later, he relishes sharpening a stick at both ends with which to kill Ralph. O But… O When throwing stones at the littleuns’ he deliberately misses, this shows a good side of Roger.
Simon O Prophetic and Jesus-like O He is Different: O Ralph says "He's queer. He's funny." Piggy says "He's cracked". O Hebrew name "Shim'on" means "one who listens or observes" O Simon is at one with nature O He is scared because he knows what will happen. O First boy we see die O Simon's close relationship with nature seems to carry on even after he is dead: " The waves turned the corpse gently in the water.... Softly, surrounded by a fringe of bright inquisitive creatures, itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations, Simon's dead body moved out towards the open sea".