January Ron McFadyen1 January 2004 Assignment 1 Due: Friday Jan 23, Implement the ProductSpecification and Payment classes in any OO programming language (reference: Figure and section 20.11). Two additional classes you require are ProductSpecificationTest and PaymentTest (reference: Section 20.9). Hand in the source code for each of the above 4 classes and the results from running your tests. Note that the class methods expect valid data. 2.Create a use case model for an ATM. Details follow.
January Ron McFadyen2 January 2004 Assignment 1 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) The ATM system services one customer at a time. A customer is required to insert an ATM card and key in a personal identification number (pin). During one session, a customer may perform any number of transactions on any of their accounts. A customer may also choose to end the session and their card is automatically returned. A customer may make a cash withdrawal transaction from any of his/her accounts. Of course, the customer must have enough funds in the account to cover the withdrawal. A customer may make a deposit to any of his/her accounts. When making a deposit, the customer must place the deposit in an envelope and insert that into the appropriate slot when the systems requests. A customer may transfer money between any of their accounts. When a customer inserts their card into the ATM machine, they have three chances to enter the pin correctly. If they fail to do so, the card is not returned. After a transaction completes, the system prints a receipt and asks the customer if they will do another transaction or quit.
January Ron McFadyen3 January 2004 Assignment 1 Using the brief format in section 6.1, write separate use cases for the following uses cases: Session, Withdrawal, Deposit, Transfer, Inquiry, and Invalid pin. Relate these use cases with a mixture of “include” and “extend”. This is important for the following: Write the Main Success Scenario (reference Section 6.6 on Fully Dressed use cases) and a System Sequence Diagram for the Session use case (this one will have repetition similar to Process Sale use case). Create a use case diagram for your Use Case Model (reference Figure 6.2 and Figures 25.1, 25.2). To review, you must hand in: A Use case diagram (use Rational Rose or other tool) Brief formats for six use cases The main success scenario for the Fully Dressed use case