doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Heile Agenda: 9.03 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:12 p.m. Moved: To approve document: _WRC-11_AI1.6rev2.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP1A, WP3M, WP7C and WP7D approved 7/0/0 Informative: This document is a request for information on ITU-R actions impacting the 275 – 3000 GHz band Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.04 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:14 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L _010d3.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 5/0/0 Informative: This document provides further proposals for section 4 of IMT-TECH Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.05 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:19 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L _011d1.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 9/0/0 Informative: This document provides further proposals for sections 5 & 6 of IMT- TECH Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.06 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:24 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L80216—08_12d1.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 9/0/0 Informative: This document proposes to update sub-clause 5.6 if ITU-R Recommendation M.1457 Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.07 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:26 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L80216—08_13d1.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 9/1/0 Informative: This document proposes to revise the introduction to ITU-R Recommendation M.1457 Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.08 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:28 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L80216—08_14d1.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 9/0/0 Informative: This document proposes to revise the administration procedures of ITU- R Recommendation M.1457 Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.09 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:30 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L _15d0.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 9/0/0 Informative: This document requests clarification of Steps 2 & 3 of the IMT- Advanced Circular Letter Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved
doc.: _SEC_Motions_Mar08 Submission March 2008 Michael Lynch, Nortel Networksh Motion to SEC Motion by: LynchSeconded by: Marks Agenda: 9.10 Date: 03/21/2008 Time: 4:32 p.m. Moved: To approve document: L _17d0.doc as an 802 document, authorizing the Chair of to do necessary editorial and formatting changes and, using the document as a “template”, create the appropriate input to ITU-R WP5D approved 9/0/0 Informative: This document responds to an ITU-R WP5D Liaison regarding BS and MS ACS values. Approve: 16 Do Not Approve: 0 Abstain: 0 Motion: Approved