Agenda Juniors - Finishing Gatsby Freshmen - Romeo & Juliet SHAKESPEARE
Good Morning Step 1: Please grab your notebook, a copy of The Great Gatsby Step 2: Start a fresh page, date it and title it Gatsby Reflection! We are going to take a look at some of the decisions made in casting for the 2013 Gatsby Movie. Choose one of the characters and respond to the quote. Gatsby Fashion
In recent discussions of __________, a controversial issue has been whether __________. From this perspective, ________. On the other hand, however, others argue that _________. In the words of one of this view’s main proponents, “___________.” According to this view, __________. In sum, then, the issue is whether __________ or _________. Try this Template
“They Say, I Say” Templates: I’ve said templates stifle creativity but they say… ● Even the most creative forms of expression depend on established patterns and structures. o Most songwriters, for instance, rely on a time-honored verse chorus-verse pattern. o Few people would call Shakespeare uncreative because he didn’t invent the sonnet or the dramatic forms that he used to such dazzling effect. o Even the most avant- garde, cutting-edge artists (like improvisational jazz musicians) need to master the basic forms that their work improvises on, departs from, and goes beyond, or else their work will come across as uneducated child’s play
The American Dream 1.Go to this website American DreamAmerican Dream 2.Read the piece. 3.Start writing your essay for the one pager. One-Pager Assignment on SWIFT
One Pager The Great Gatsby Simile: “ Boy your heart is like an open book,” (pg 210) This sentence is written to explain to us how open Richard Wright is with his feelings. Instead of talking literally, saying that his emotions are too openly expressed, the author substitutes the definition with a figurative sentence. This sentence accounts the reader to stop for a minute and fabricate in their head pages of pictures filled with the lonely yet adventurous life of Richard Wright. Question: I wonder how Mrs. Moss saw what a wonderful boy Richard was? How could you possibly see someone’s pain, someone's hidden knowledge, hidden love?
Good Morning/Afternoon Step 1: Grab your notebook, Romeo & Juliet script, and Foldable Step 2: Start a fresh page or continue from where you last were date it and label it DO NOW: Shakespeare: Romeo & Juliet Discuss the Queen Mab Speech: What is it about? How is it developed? What do you think is Mercutio’s point? What do you think is Shakespeare’s point? What is Shakespeare’s tone and how do you know? What is the significance of this speech in terms of the play so far – if any?
Reading Romeo & Juliet In Class ●For this UNIT the reading in class will become your PARTICIPATION GRADE! ●So that makes up 10% of your grade ●I have a log to mark what you are doing during class. ●You want to participate roughly 5 times/week. ●BUT if you are distracting others or have your phone out while we are working then it will detract from the times when you volunteered.