Types of Minerals Chapter 4.2
Mineral Groups Silicates Minerals that contain oxygen and silicon Make up 96% of the minerals present on the Earth’s crust Basic building block is silica tetrahedron Geometric solid having four sides that are equilateral triangles Combines in different ways to form different minerals
Silicates have strong bonds Bonds determine the mineral’s cleavage or fracture Create complex 3 dimensional figures or sheets mica
Carbonates Minerals composed of one or more metallic elements and the carbonate ion CO32- Primary minerals found in rocks like limestone and marble
Other groups Oxides Sulfides Native element Compounds of oxygen and a metal Magnetite and Hematite Sulfides Combination of Sulfur and one or more elements Pyrite Native element Made up of one element only Silver, gold, copper, etc.
Mineral Economics Ores Mineral that contains a valuable substance that can be mined at a profit Hematite contains iron Bauxite contains aluminum
Gems Valuable minerals that are prized for their rarity and beauty Hard and scratch resistant Rubies and emeralds are more valuable than diamonds because of their rareness
Trace elements can make one mineral more valuable than others Amethyst is the gem form of quartz Has the trace element of iron, giving it a purple hue