Personal Health Care Lesson 1 and 2
Being Well Groomed Grooming is everything that people do to stay clean and have a healthful appearance. Grooming: Removes dirt and germs Protects from skin infections Prevents clogged pores (acne) Prevents odor Promotes positive self esteem Earn classmates respect
Rest and Sleep Resting is a break from activity. It re-energizes the mind and body. Sleep is a restful state where you have no conscious thought. Need 8-10 hours a night. Heart rate slows Blood pressure and breathing slow. Body repairs cells and grows. Body fights infections during this time too!
Brainstorm! Name at least 5 grooming products you use. Label them with the part(s) of the body you use them on.
Caring for Your Skin Skin is the largest organ in your body! Two main layers: Epidermis- outside layer Dermis- thick inner layer Contains sweat glands, nerves and blood vessels
Caring for your Skin How can you take care of your skin?
Ways to Care for Your Skin EACH DAY: Take a shower or bath With soap and water Drink plenty of water Frequently: Wash sheets and pillowcases Any time you are out in the sun: Wear sunscreen with an SPF (sun protective factor) of at least 15. Wear a hat and protective clothing. Avoid tanning booths.
Skin Conditions to Look Out For Acne- a skin disorder that results in whiteheads, pimples and blackheads. Wash your face twice a day with mild acne soap to prevent this. Wash after physical activity! Have regular check ups with a dermatologist (a physician who screens and treats skin disorders)
Skin Conditions to Look Out For Perspiration- mix of water, salt and waste products. Can cause body odor! Antiperspirants can help reduce perspiration. Deodorants can reduce odor!
Caring for Your Hair and Nails What are the functions of your hair and nails? Hair: Preserves heat Protects head and skin Nails: Protect and support the tips of fingers and toes Used to scratch and pick up small objects
Caring for Your Hair Wash Hair at least twice a week. Oily hair may need to be washed daily. Use a dandruff shampoo to remove flakes of dead skin from the scalp. Use a Conditioner to make your hair shine and help with tangles BE CAREFUL!! Washing your hair too often can make it dull and dry!
Caring for Your Hair Lice are small insects that can live in the human scalp. They lay eggs and can spread quickly on any item that touches infected hair! To treat lice; Use a special comb to remove eggs Wash hair with an anti-lice shampoo. Wash clothing and bedding in hot, soapy water. Vacuum furniture and carpets to remove lice.
Caring for Your Nails Remove dirt from under nails and trim them. To Trim Nails Correctly: Use nail clippers Cut straight across Not too short! Never bite or pick at them Use a nail file to smooth out edges Gently push back cuticles after washing your hands or showering.
Physical Examinations Look on page C11. What do doctors use each of these instruments for? Thermometer- measures body temperature Blood pressure gauge- measures blood pressure Reflex tester- measures reflexes Stethoscope- listens to your heart and lungs.
Physical Examinations You should have a physical once a year. See a doctor when you experience any unusual symptoms. Symptoms are a change in the way a person behaves or the body functions.
Physical Examination During your check up a doctor will ask you questions about you past health and habits. They will also ask about your present symptoms. This will become a part of your health record.
Question #1: With a partner, brainstorm some of the sounds you hear in a day. Then list ways your lives would change if they could no longer hear these sounds.
Parts of your ear Outer ear- Collects sound waves and directs them into the ear. Middle ear contains: Hammer Anvil Stirrup These three tiny bones transmit sound waves to the inner ear. Inner ear contains: Cochlea Auditory nerve Semicircular canals These three send sound messages to the brain!
Common Ear Problems Nearly 1 of every 10 people has a hearing problem. Some are as major as not being able to hear at all (deaf) or as minor as some hearing loss. It can happen at any time! One of the causes of hearing loss is noise pollution. Loud or constant noise that causes hearing loss.
Ways to Care for your Ears Have your ears checked regularly Wash your outer ears with water than shake the water out. Never place your finger or anything else inside of your ear! Keep the volume on your headsets low! Wear ear plugs when exposed to loud noise.
Question #2: What symptoms might indicate a vision problem?
Caring for your Eyes If you are experiencing eye problems you may need to see an optometrist or an ophthalmologist. Optometrists are trained and licensed to examine people’s eyes and prescribe eyeglasses or contact lenses. Ophthalmologists treat disease and injuries to the eye.
Question #3 What part of eye controls the amount of light that enters the eye?
Parts of the Eye Sclera- white material that covers the entire eye. Retina- receives messages and sends them to the brain Optic nerve-carries Image to the brain Lens- focuses light Iris- round, colored part of the eye. Cornea- clear outer layer that covers the front of the eye. Pupil- black opening the eye
Eye Problems Common Eye Problems: Farsightedness- close objects appear blurred while distant objects are seen clearly Nearsightedness- distant objects are blurred while near objects are seen clearly Astigmatism- a vision problem in which the cornea or the lens of the eye is curved unevenly, causing blurred vision.
Eye Problems Conjunctivitis- also called “pink eye” is a contagious infection in which the tissue around the eye and the inside the eye lid swell. Scratch Cornea- eye gets red, irritated and sensitive to light.
Question #4: What are some hazards that can irritate the eye?
Ways to care for your eyes Don’t look directly at the sun!! Wear sunglasses with UV ray protection. Wear protective eyewear when playing sports and working with chemicals and tools. Use artificial tears to soothe dry eyes. Wash your hands often to avoid getting germs in them. Follow directions for contact lenses.