The ACTFL Performance Guidelines Dawn Samples Lexington One, 6/17/10 Languages and Learning for Schools of the Future
SC Language Standards 5 goal areas Communication Cultures Connections Comparisons Communities Recap
SC Language Standards Standards in each goal area Communication Interpersonal Communication Interpretive Communication Presentational Communication Recap
SC Language Standards Each standard is framed by an essential question Comparisons How do students make comparisons between their native language and another language to expand their understanding of both? Recap
SC Language Standards Indicators for each standard D1.1-4 Students express personal needs with details in expected situations. B2.1.4 Students recognize social issues affecting the target cultures. Recap
SC Language Standards Sample activities for each indicator B2.2-4 activity Students create a self portrait in the style of an artist from the target culture. Recap
SC Language Standards Indicators are divided into three levels Beginnings Developing Expanding Recap
Student Performance What was the last learning activity you gave your students? What were your expectations for them? How did you “grade” them? REFLECTION
Student Performance Active Student-centered Standards-based Performance-based Learning Activities
Student Performance What was the last assessment you gave your students? What were your expectations for them? How did you “grade” them? REFLECTION
Student Performance Active? Student-centered? Standards-based? Performance-based? Assessment Activities
SC Language Standards The standards define what all students should know and be able to do with the language. There is no indication of how well they should be able to do it. A concern
ACTFL Performance Guidelines
ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines The ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners reflect how well students perform in the language and the content as outlined in Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Purpose
The ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners reflect how well students perform in the language and the content as outlined in Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Purpose ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Communication In each of the three modes Interpersonal Interpretive Presentational Goal Area Focus ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
The ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners reflect how well students perform in the language and the content as outlined in Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Purpose ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
(SC) Beginning (SC) Developing (SC) Expanding Novice Intermediate Pre-Advanced Performance Levels ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Comprehensibility Comprehension Language Control Vocabulary Use Communication Strategies Cultural Awareness Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Comprehensibility How well are they understood? Interpersonal gestures, repetition, clarification, pronunciation Interpretive – NOT APPLICABLE Presentational opportunity to practice, length, visuals, topic familiarity Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Comprehension How well do they understand? Interpersonal gestures, repetition, clarification, context Interpretive background knowledge, context familiarity Presentational – NOT APPLICABLE Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Language Control How accurate is their language? Interpersonal familiarity with structures, creativity Interpretive new vs. familiar structures Presentational context, presentation form Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Vocabulary Use How extensive and applicable is their vocabulary? Interpersonal vocabulary base, context Interpretive context clues, gestures Presentational opportunity to supplement vocab Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Communication Strategies How do they maintain communication? Interpersonal gestures, repetition, paraphrasing Interpretive visuals, context clues, inference Presentational rehearse, revise, self-correction Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Cultural Awareness How is their cultural understanding reflected in their communication? Interpersonal imitation, body language, gestures Interpretive cultural triangle awareness Presentational imitation, awareness of practices Performance Categories ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
The ACTFL Performance Guidelines for K-12 Learners reflect how well students perform in the language and the content as outlined in Standards for Foreign Language Learning. Purpose ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
(SC) Beginning (SC) Developing (SC) Expanding Novice Intermediate Pre-Advanced Performance Levels ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
QUESTIONS How long will a learner be in each level/stage? When will a learner transition from one level/stage to the next? Performance Levels ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Elementary Middle High Novice Intermediate Pre-Adv K-4 K-8 K Performance Levels ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
memorized phrases and chunks highly predictable situations imitate words, phrases, gestures need for context clues rely on background knowledge familiar topics and contexts repetition inaccuracies are common NOVICE Learner ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
false starts, searching for words main ideas and some specifics predictable situations less familiar topics wider range of themes greater cultural knowledge circumlocution INTERMEDIATE Learner ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
narration and creativity few pauses or repetitions unpredictable situations unfamiliar topics longer messages greater control of language self-correction and editing PRE-ADVANCED Learner ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Rely on memorized phrases and short sentences during highly predictable interactions on very familiar topics NOVICE WHO IS IT? ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Identify main idea of a written text by using a variety of strategies such as gleaning information from the first and last paragraphs INTERMEDIATE WHO IS IT? ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Comprehend a wide range of vocabulary in both concrete and abstract contexts PRE-ADVANCED WHO IS IT? ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Demonstrate control of an expanding number of familiar words and phrases and a limited number of idiomatic expressions INTERMEDIATE WHO IS IT? ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Use background knowledge to anticipate story direction in highly predictable oral or written texts. NOVICE WHO IS IT? ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Narrate and describe using connected sentences and paragraphs in present and other time frames when interacting in a range of topics. PRE-ADVANCED WHO IS IT? ACTFL K-12 Performance Guidelines
Session 3 Performance Assessment How can my students show what they really know? March 09, 2006 RHSD Foreign Language Workshop Series 2006