A. Language Arts: How to read informational texts with my child? Purpose of reading Fictional texts: entertainment Non-fictional texts: learning
What is the informational text? Definition/comparison 1.It is true and about real things, people, events, and places 2.Identify the text: fictional or non- fictional texts?
Features Definition/Identification Table of contents Index Glossary Preface Pronunciation guide Appendix Photos Drawings Magnification Boldface print Coloured print Italic Bullets Titles headings Captions Labels Sidebars Venn Diagrams Sketches Graphs Maps Charts/tables Cross-sections timelines
Using features to help understand the text (Function) FeaturesHelp readers… Features Help readers… Table of contents Identify Key topics in orderTitlesMain topic/category IndexList of everything with page number in ABC order headingsScan/skim topics of the whole book GlossarydefinitionCaptionsExplanation of the photos PrefacePurpose and overview of the contentLabelsTo Identify small parts AppendixAdditional informationSidebarsAdditional information PhotosExactly look likeVenn Diagrams Drawing to show ideas e.g.,comparison DrawingsMight look likediagramPicture&words view of information BulletsKey pointSketchesVisualization of big concept Boldface printImportant wordsGraphsData, showing relationship Coloured printImportant wordsCharts/tablesSummarization/comparison ItalicImportant wordsCross- sections Cut off, to show Internal parts MapswheretimelinesSequence of events
B.Social Studies Essential or nonessential Questions 1.What is Martin fighting for? 2.What is worth fighting for? Who decides? 3.Who is Martin? 4.List 4 sentences of big words that martin said? 5.What characteristics make Martin overcome obstacles and injustice to be successful? Explain it. 6.Whose voice is not heard? Why? 7.What are obstacles? 8.Who is Martin? 9.To be a successful leader, explain what Martin’s characteristics should be applied ? 10.How does this text differ from the fable story? And how should I read as a result?