Monitoring Ground Displacements at a National Highway Project: The case of “Egnatia Odos” in Greece Egnatia Odos S.A. & Laboratory of Geodesy, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GREECE Dr. K. Lakakis Prof. P. Savvaidis - A. Zeimpekis
Egnatia Odos and its Deformation Problems A 700 Km Highway Project. It is part of European Transport Networks. Almost half of the highway kilometers pass from mountains These mountains name is “Pindos” Sierra, which main material is Flysch, a very special and instable rockmass. So the problem is how to bed the necessary big embankments, bridges and valley bridges, tunnels, e.t.c.
The first Field Applications of GPS Landslide Monitoring Highway Section 2.3, Moutsara Landslide. Highway Section 3.3, Metsovitikos Valley-Bridge Foundation Landslide. Highway Section 1.1.3, G1 Valley-Bridge Foundation Landslide. Highway Section 2.4, T9, T10 & T12 Bridges Foundation Landslide.
Geological Identity of “Moutsara” Landslide Stream depositions consisting of sandy gravel-sandy silty materials. Sandy silty-sandy clay materials characterize as lateral scree and weathering products, approximately 1-3 m. thick. Materials of an old landslide, consisting of ground material on the surface and, as depth progresses, of flysch rockmass with shearing zones. Indigenous flysch rockmass consisting of alternation of siltstones and sandstones.
Geological Identity of “Metsovitikos” Valley-Bridge Landslide Thin bedded interchanges of sandstone/siltstone above the thickly bedded sandstone. Thickly bedded sandstone with siltstone laminations. Interchanges of sandstone and siltstone. Red shales (severely tectonised and often folded). Limestone.
The Measurement Procedure (1) Flowchart Spatial Definition of the Landslide area Definition of the Points (stable) of the Control Network Definition of the Monitoring Points Network Zero Period Measurements Free Control Network Free Control NetworkAdjustment Monitoring Network Monitoring NetworkAdjustment Zero Period Results Second Period Measurements Free Control Network Free Control NetworkAdjustment Comparison with Zero Results Monitoring Network Monitoring NetworkAdjustment Second Period Results Procedure (2)
The Measurement Procedure (2) Flowchart Zero Period Measurements Free Control and Monitoring Free Control and Monitoring Network Adjustment Zero Period Results Second Period Measurements Free Control and Monitoring Free Control and Monitoring Network Adjustment Transformation to Zero Period Transformation to Zero Period Coordination System Second Period Results
Control Point Horizontal displacement / error ellipses semi-axes (mm) [2-1] Horizontal displacement / error ellipses semi-axes (mm) [3-2] Horizontal displacement / error ellipses semi-axes (mm) [4-3] Average horizontal displacement (mm) [1 to 4] Total horizontal displacement (mm) / direction Average vertical displacement (mm) [4-1] [4-1] Κ181 / (a=1.1, b=0.9)4 / (a=0.9, b=0.6)6 / (a=1.2, b=0.9)44 / (SW)-32 Κ194 / (a=1.3, b=0.7)3 / (a=1.1, b=0.9)5 / (a=1.2, b=0.9)48 / (SW)1 ΚΜ116 / (a=2.1, b=1.4) 10 / (a=1.8, b=1.2) 5 / (a=1.6, b=1.2)105 / (NW)5 ΚΜ1113 / (a=2.1, b=1.7) 19 / (a=1.7, b=1.2) 18 / (a=2.4, b=2.1) 1717 / (NW)9 ΚΜ23 / (a=0.9, b=0.8)4 / (a=0.5, b=0.4)5 / (a=1.1, b=0.9)44 / (NW)7 ΚΜ35 / (a=1, b=0.9)2 / (a=2.1, b=1.4)6 / (a=1.3, b=1)413 / (SW)-6 ΚΜ46 / (a=2.1, b=1.4)9 / (a=1.1, b=0.8)9 / (a=1.2, b=0.9)811 / (SW)3 ΚΜ510 / (a=1.7, b=1.6) 10 / (a=0.7, b=0.6) 4 / (a=1.1, b=0.9)83 / (W)22 ΚΜ74 / (a=0.7, b=0.5)3 / (a=1, b=0.8)6 / (a=1.1, b=0.9)47 / (SW)2 ΚΜ93 / (a=0.8, b=0.7)4 / (a=0.5, b=0.4)6 / (a=1, b=0.9)46 / (SW)-6 ΜΑ15 / (a=1.3, b=1.1)5 / (a=1.2, b=0.7)4 / (a=1.2, b=0.8)55 / (SE)3 ΜΑ25 / (a=0.8, b=0.6)1 / (a=1.1, b=0.8)9 / (a=1.1, b=0.9)511 / (SW)-9 ΜΑ319 / (a=1.6, b=1)2 / (a=1.5, b=1)11 / (a=1.5, b=0.9) 1113 / (SW)23 ΜΑ41 / (a=1.2, b=0.9)2 / (a=0.8, b=0.7)4 / (a=1.6, b=1)22 / (Stable)5 ΜΑ55 / (a=1.9, b=1.5)7 / (a=1.4, b=1.2)7 / (a=1.3, b=1.1)610 / (SW)0 S10059 / (a=1.1, b=1)3 / (a=1.4, b=0.7)2 / (a=1.4, b=0.8)58 / (NE)1 S10096 / (a=0.8, b=0.6)1 / (a=1.2, b=1)9 / (a=1.3, b=1.1)510 / (SW)4 T222 / (a=1.5, b=1.3)17 / (a=1.8, b=1.6) 10 / (a=1.2, b=0.8) 1013 / (SE)2 The first results of Moutsara landslide measurements
The Deformation History Point Card A very useful tool for the monitoring of the displacements. It includes three main parts, the Horizontal, the Vertical and the Table part. It includes two time options displacements, the period by period displacement and also the zero period – k period displacement.
The Deformation History Point Card Basic Elements
Deformation Vectors of Monitoring Points Another useful tool for the monitoring of the displacements. It gives to us a visual option of the displacement as regards the TM of the area and also all the surveying information.
Comments & Conclusions We have to monitor not only to find if there are important displacements, but also the size of them. We have to establish quick and reliable Procedures for a previous Scientific matter, which become a Practical need. The use of Procedure No1 is necessary because of the Contractors limits. The results of at this time applications give very useful and logical conclusions under geological point of view. For example, at “Metsovikos” landslide from first five measurement periods we find differences between three monitoring points and all the others (which are about 17). This was something that and geologists expected in view of their studies. Also at “Moutsara” landslide we observed irregularly and random displacements, without any tend but maybe (we don’t know until now) periodical movement.
Future Work Teaching to as more as possible Contractors the Procedures and Methods. Use only the Procedure No 2. Establish Permanent Local Continuous GPS Reference Stations to every Command Station of the Highway. Automatization of the Procedure by using Telematics aspects. Establish GPS Calibration Procedures and Laboratories to every Command Station of the Highway. Expanding the same Procedures as part of Bridges and big Embankments Maintenance System. Expanding the Geodetic Monitoring to Tunnels with Total Station as base inside the Tunnel Technology which will controlled from a GPS outstanding Network.