Introduction Card stock folded name cards Include name, school/district, grade level/course, picture or logo which shares something about yourself.
Introduction Professional Learning in mathematics instruction K-12 (unique opportunity) What considerations should we be aware of because we come from K-12? Different hats (participant, teacher/educator)
Introduction Norms Be present Attention signal Wellness breaks Everyone’s input is expected and respected
Introduction Essential Question: How can we create an excellent mathematics program in which all students learn at high levels?
Introduction Learning Goals: 1. Understand and implement the guiding principles for school mathematics to improve the quality of mathematics instruction. 2. Understand and implement the mathematical teaching practices to increase student learning. 3. Work with colleagues to establish an educational community that incorporates mathematical teaching practices and guiding principles. 4. Increase capacity with content of the Utah core mathematics standards.
Introduction Eight Practices, Eight Practices Keeping things straight
Introduction Protocols and Structures Used in Our Training Debriefs at the end of each section Parking Lot Vocabulary building Establish mathematics goals to focus learning (This practice will be present itself with each task) ACTION, Implementation Plan – Choose a focus area.