Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 1 Director’s Baseline Review (Temple Review) April 16-18, 2002 Marcel Demarteau Fermilab ‘DØ Run 2b Silicon Tracker’ An overview ‘DØ Run 2b Silicon Tracker’ An overview For the Run 2b Silicon Group
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 2 Run2b Focus: Higgs Boson Production Dominant production channel gg H »Overwhelmed by background Observable production channel qq WH, ZH »Lepton(s) from W/Z provides trigger Decay H coupling proportional to mass Dominant decay to bbar Requirements Excellent b-tagging efficiency » b > ~65 % per jet at mistag rate < ~1% Robust silicon tracker »lean but with adequate redundancy L xy ~ 3 mm
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 3 Outline Design considerations Boundary conditions »Space »DAQ constraint »Silicon track trigger »Radiation damage Brief overview of proposed detector Anticipated performance Project overview Organization Cost: M&S Schedule Resources Conclusion
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 4 Design Considerations Do not compromise on the performance of the Run2a silicon tracker Choose design adequate to achieve physics goals but do not over-design (no 90-degree stereo), Provide stand-alone tracking up to | | < 2.0 Fiber tracker has full coverage only up to | | < 1.6 Modular design, minimize the number of different elements Use established technologies Use single sided silicon only Due to harsh radiation environment, divide tracker in two radial groups: Inner layers »Design to withstand integrated luminosity of 15 fb -1, with adequate margin »Provide path for possible replacement of innermost layers Outer layers »Design to last a long time
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 5 Boundary Conditions Z=0 Spatial Installation within existing fiber tracker, with inner radius of 180 mm Installation in collision hall »Tracker will be built in two independent half-modules, split at z=0 Data Acquisition Retain all of the downstream readout electronics Re-use current cable plant »allows for ~912 readout modules Total number of readout modules cannot exceed 912 Silicon Track Trigger Respect 6-fold symmetry
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 6 Radiation Damage Sensors will be subjected to fluence of MeV neutron equiv./cm 2 Parameters for detector Vdepl after irradiation Signal to Noise ratio Requirements S/N ratio > 10 after 15 fb -1 V depl « V break to allow for over-depletion for full charge collection V depl (V) Days Layer fb C 0 0 C C
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 7 Basic Layout Six layer silicon tracker, divided in two radial groups Inner layers: Layers 0 and 1 »Axial readout only »Mounted on integrated support »Assembled into one unit »Designed for V bias up to 700 V Outer layers: Layers 2-5 »Axial and stereo readout »Stave support structure »Designed for V bias up to 300 V Employ single sided silicon only, 3 sensor types 2-chip wide for Layer 0 3-chip wide for Layer 1 5-chip wide for Layers 2-5 No element supported from the beampipe Drilled Be Beampipe with ID of 0.96”, 500 m wall thickness
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 8 Layer 0 Support Structure 12-fold crenellated geometry carbon fiber support possible use of pyrolitic graphite sensors cooled to T=-10 o C R in = 18.5 mm Silicon Analogue cable Hybrid Assembly 2-chip wide sensors 25 mm pitch, 50 mm readout Analogue cables for readout Hybrids off-board Staggered in z for 6 readouts per end per phi-sector Space is extremely tight ! Outside tracking volume
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 9 Layer 1 Support Structure 12-fold castellated geometry carbon fiber support Integrated cooling sensors cooled to T=-5 o C R in = 34.8 mm Assembly 3-chip wide sensors, 58 m pitch, axial readout Hybrids on-board 6-chip double-ended hybrid readout Cooling lines Silicon Hybrid Digital cable L0 Full view layer 1
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 10 Layers 2-5 12, 18, 24 and 30-fold geometry All layers: Use the same sensor, 5-chip wide sensor, 30 m pitch, 60 m readout Hybrids on-board 10-chip hybrid readout Stereo and axial readout Stereo angle obtained by rotating sensor Support Modules are assembled into staves Staves are positioned with carbon- fiber bulkheads CMS Endplate
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 11 Stave Structure Stave is doublet structure of four readout modules Two layers of silicon »Axial and stereo »Two readout modules each separated by cooling lines Total of 168 staves Stave has carbon fiber cover Protect wirebonds Provide path for digital cables Staves are mounted in end carbon fiber bulkheads Cooling manifold similar to bulkhead design Layer 4-5 stave
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 12 Outer Layer Readout Modules Staves are assembled from readout modules Readout modules: 6 types »10-10 (axial, stereo) »10-20 (axial, stereo) »20-20 (axial, stereo) Stereo angle determined by mechanical constraints »10cm readout: = 2.5 o »20cm readout: = 1.25 o Ganged sensors will have traces aligned Module configuration Each readout module serviced by double-ended hybrid Each hybrid has two independent readout segments Layer 4-5 Layer
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 13 Readout Schematics Layer 0: due to cooling requirements hybrids off-board Fine pitch flexible cables to bring analogue signals out of tracking volume Layers 1-5: Hybrids mounted on silicon; digital cable connects to hybrid »Provides chip control signals »Power for chip and bias voltage SVX4 chip employed in SVX2 readout mode to readout silicon MOSIS submission of FE 06/04/01 MOSIS submission of full chip 03/28/02 »Submission delay of ~5 months; both projects will get about 500 chips from this run Project assumes in its schedule that second full chip submission is needed »Second submission: October ’02 »Production submission: April ’03; SVX4 drives the schedule Sensor 8’ Twisted Pair Cable Interface with current DAQ system Adapter Card Junction Card 2’ Digital Cable Hybrid Analogue Cable Hybrid Layer 0 Layers 1-5
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 14 Testing and Quality Assurance First pass database exists to track all components for detector Fields for data entry being defined for first parts received »Sensors, hybrids and cables Relations for proper queries being defined Test stands for testing first components being setup at SiDet Two hybrid burn-in test stands, 16 channels each Two module burn-in test stands, 32 modules each Devices under test
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 15 Parameters of Proposed Detector Few Characteristics: Sensors: 2184; Silicon area of 8.3 m 2 888 hybrids, i.e readout cables (Run2a: 912) 7440 SVX4 chips for a total of channels (Run2a: )
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 16 Performance of Proposed Detector Performance studies based on full Geant simulation Full model of geometry and material Model of noise, mean of 2.1 ADC counts Single hit resolution of ~10 m Longitudinal segmentation implemented Pattern recognition and track reconstruction Benchmarks (p T )/P T ~ 3% at 10 GeV/c (d 0 ) 2 = (25/p T ) 2 » (d 0 ) 10 GeV/c 2b 2a Impact Parameter (cm)
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 17 Performance of Proposed Detector B-tagging Loose b-tag algorithm: signed impact parameter, E b > 20 GeV »Track selection within cone R < 0.5 of b-jet p T > 0.5 GeV/c, good 2, hits in silicon 2 »Impact parameter significance 2 tracks: d 0 / (d 0 ) > 3 3 tracks: d 0 / (d 0 ) > 2 b-jet tagging efficiency of ~ 65% per jet »Compare to Higgs working group assumptions Based on WH-events, with b’s falling within acceptance E T (GeV)
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 18 Organization Major commitments from various groups Mechanical design and fabrication »University of Washington: Layer 0, 1 Sensor Testing »Kansas State University »Stony Brook »Cinvestav, Moscow Stave University Electronics »Kansas State University ] Digital cables; Adapter card, Junction card, Test card »University of Kansas, Fresno University ] Hybrid testing »Louisiana Tech ] Digital cable testing QA »UIC, Northwestern University Monitoring »Radiation monitoring, NIKHEF »Temperature Monitoring, Rice Trying to strengthen group further Silicon M. Demarteau A. Bean, Deputy Sensor Accounting, Testing R. Demina, F. Lehner Electronics A. Nomerotski, W. Reay QA, Testing, & Burn-in C. Gerber, TBA Mechanical W. Cooper, K. Krempetz Radiation Monitor S. de Jong Production TBA Simulation L. Chabalina, F. Rizatdinova
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 19 Cost and NSF Funding Cost drivers Silicon sensors Cables: analogue, digital and twisted pair in near equal amounts Hybrids Project has secured Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Grant from NSF $1.6M of NSF equipment funds and $800k of Cost Share by participating universities »10 participating universities; University of Kansas grant administrator
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 20 Approach to Cost Estimate Strongly relies on Run2a experience Estimates for assembly, fixturing Initial quotes for equipment General philosophy regarding contingency Uniform 50% Areas with little experience: 70% Quote in hand, or previously purchased commercial items: 30% Spare count part of production cost, never included in contingency Items already purchased: 0% MRI contribution MRI contribution is fixed dollar amount When identified as such in M&S cost estimate, assumed no contingency Permits to verify overall level of contingency
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 21 Cost Profile We are in the process of setting up budget tracking tools Tracking of MRI and Fermilab encumbrances Obligations and spending profile match to good degree Sensor purchase
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 22 Schedule Project broken down in subtasks at level 9 using MSProject Project resource loaded, manpower estimates follow from resource loading Broken down into over 800 subtasks »No stand alone tasks; all tasks in reference to successors or predecessors Some Key tasks: SVX4 production and testing4/11/03 – 3/10/04 Outer layer sensor productionand probing1/21/03 – 5/14/04 Outer layer hybrid production and testing6/23/03 – 6/10/04 Outer layer module production and burn-in 1/14/04 – 8/30/04 Some key milestones SVX4 chip released for production 4/11/03 Last outer layer sensor received 4/30/04 South silicon complete11/17/04 Shutdown starts3/14/05 Silicon Ready to move to DAB5/31/05 An explicit 8 weeks contingency is built in at the end of the project
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 23 Milestones Major task have associated milestones, which are evenly distributed in time
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 24 Sensitivity Analysis Using current schedule, added (equivalent of) third prototype run for various critical items and looked at the effect on the schedule
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 25 Approach to Labor Estimate Blanket assumption for labor: 1456 hrs/yr or 364 hrs/quarter, which corresponds to 70% efficiency »52 weeks/yr * 5 days/week - 39 days vacation, sick, holidays = 221 days, which corresponds to 85% efficiency »Efficiency of use of those available hours 82% (meetings, coffee break, bathroom break, …) When converting hours of labor into FTE’s, this number is applied In addition, there’s an efficiency factor folded in task by task Example: axial Module production »Duration: 8 weeks, 2.1 modules/day »Resources: 0.5 CMMT, 0.5 MTF ] In production mode, module assembly should take about 1 hour/module ] Needs some setup time, cleanup time, and things may go wrong Manpower estimates come from resource loaded schedule
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 26 Total SiDet Manpower Needs Comparison of total manpower needs for SiDet where laboratory has given guidance Lab Guidance: 18 FTE’s
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 27 Selected Fermilab Manpower Needs Projected needs for mechanical engineers and designers Available manpower for engineers and designers So far has matched more or less project needs Worry about second quarter: if not matched, project will fall behind current schedule Lab Guidance for SiDet: 5 FTE’s
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 28 Selected SiDet Manpower Needs Comparison of technical manpower needs for SiDet where laboratory has given guidance Lab Guidance: 13 FTE’s Peak production Really need people with the right skills. Finding people with the right skills has been a problem in the past. We are optimistic that we can try to recruit CMMT’s from the collaboration as was done for Run2a
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 29 Total Fermilab Manpower Estimate Add all Fermilab manpower and all physicists from Fermilab and Universities
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 30 Concluding Remarks The Run2b upgrades will allow us to exploit the unique opportunity for discovery available to the Laboratory; however, it is only available within a limited time frame The silicon detector proposed is well suited to address the physics issues of Run2b Emphasis on impact parameter measurement at small radii The design is not overextended A lot of progress has been made in all areas Some significant issues and risks remain Schedule Manpower needs Funding We are looking for your advice and help trying to get the project on a solid footing for a possible future baseline review.
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 31 Nomenclature MEFMechanical Engineer, Fermilab DESFDesigner, Fermilab MTSFMechanical Technician, SiDet, Fermilab ETSFElectrical Technician, SiDet, Fermilab WBNDRTWirebonder Technician CMMTCoordinate Measuring Machine Technician CMMPCoordinate Measuring Machine Programmer EEFElectrical Engineer Fermilab MTFMechanical Technician, Fermilab (non-SiDet) ETFElectrical Technician, Fermilab (non-SiDet) COMPFComputing Professional, Fermilab
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 32 Run 2b Although we just built a major silicon detector, construction of a new silicon detector is planned Current silicon detector designed for ~ 2 fb -1 ; will most likely survive 4-5 fb -1 The most appropriate rad-hard technology used at that time Laboratory: Supports extended running to ~ 15 fb -1 / exp »Unique window of opportunity for Fermilab to be the sole laboratory with possibility to find the Higgs boson Asked both collaborations to study options for replacing Si detectors »Choice of exp’s is full replacement Suggested a time scale and asked for submission of TDR by fall ’01 Field of High Energy Physics Higgs search is highest priority of the laboratory and perhaps the field LHC: turn on of LHC sets clear end date for window of opportunity
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 33 Overall Plan View Junction cardsCooling bulkheadsPositioning bulkhead
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 34 Designed the detector to have uniform coverage in pseudorapidity Layers 0/1: 6 sensors per half-module; sensor length 79.4 mm Layers 2/3: stave populated by 5 sensors only; sensor length 100 mm »reduction of sensor count by 120 sensors Layers 4/5: stave populated by 6 sensors; sensor length 100 mm Longitudinal segmentation Determined by »Number of allowed readout cables »Occupancy, cluster sharing »Configuration ] L0, L1: each sensor readout ] L2, L3: readout ] L4, L5: readout Hybrids are all double-ended Services two readout segments Longitudinal Segmentation Z=0 Z (mm) Readout segment #
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 35 SVX4 Chip Nov ’00 decision to employ common readout chip for CDF and DØ SVX4 in deep sub-micron, 0.25 m technology, intrinsically rad-hard »Brand new chip with own personality/features Commercial foundries used (TSMC) Test chips MOSIS submission of FE 06/04/01 »Decided on pre-amp and pipeline design »ENC = 450e e/pF (optimum) MOSIS submission of full chip 03/28/02 »Submission delay of ~5 months »Two versions of chip (same padring) ] On chip bypassing employed (DØ) ] On chip bypassing not used (CDF) »Both projects get ~300 chips each »Projects need working chips to certify all readout electronics components Project assumes in its schedule that second full chip submission is needed Second submission: October ’02 Production submission: April ’03 SVX4 drives the schedule LBL Pre-amp FNAL Pre-amp Pipeline
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 36 Sensitivity Analysis Using current schedule, removed second prototype run for various critical items when appropriate and looked at the effect on the schedule Close coupling SVX4 chips and hybrids Sensors third driving schedule
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 37 Expenditures to Date MRI Layer 1 sensors ELMA $6.0k Layer 1 sensors HPK$65.0k Standalone Seq. $70.0k Analogue Flex cables »Prototype 1 $6.0k »Prototype 2 $6.0k Layer 1 hybrids$16.1k »Connectors $2.4 »Components $1.6 Mexico setup$80.0k Stony Brook setup$80.0k KSU setup$80.0k Mexico HV$200k FNAL Carbon fiber$5.5k Digital Jumper Cables »Honeywell$21.5k »Basis Electronics $3.9k »Material $2.0k Standalone Seq. $10.0k Layer 1 Hybrids »Layout $2.0k SiDet CMM$35.0k SVX4$54.0k Beampipe $98k MRI Matching UIC$4k Fresno$7k KU (Ledford)$10k KU Logic analyzer$8k UW $35.5k Total of ~$910k
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 38 Near Term Start Dates Complete resource loaded schedule being prepared Some near term start dates / milestones Submitted to ELMA Ready for submission
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 39 Boundary Conditions: spatial Silicon tracker to be installed within existing fiber tracker, with inner radius of 180 mm Full tracking coverage Fiber tracker up to | | < 1.6 Silicon stand-alone up to | | < 2.0 Installation in collision hall p Tracker will be split at z=0 Two independent half-modules Reproducible mount at z=0 Alignment verified at SiDet Installation of beampipe after tracker installation There will be a 3mm gap from sensor to sensor at z=0
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 40 Luminous Region Addresses uncertainty on evolution of beam size over the course of a store Assumed beam crossing centered at z=0; no uncertainties folded in Coverage of inner layers of 100 cm results in loss of < ~2% of integrated luminosity Length of inner layer set at 96 cm From M. Church p Luminosity acceptance of detector in Run2b running conditions Longitudinal emittance 2, 3 eV-sec Stacking rate 40, 60 E10/hr Assumptions: * = 35 cm Trans. .mm.mrad 0.5 crossing angle 136 rad
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 41 Layer 0 Support Structure Prototype support structure made by University of Washington Crenellated mandrel »Stacking sequences ] Cylindrical Shell: 3 ply 0º, 90º, 0º laminate ] Castellated Shell: 6 ply [0º, +20º, -20º] s laminate RTV pressure strips, vacuum bag Pressured to 85 psi Cured in autoclave at 275 °F castellated shell Measurements and comparisons of elastic properties of prepreg. laminates
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 42 Irradiation Studies Irradiation studies carried out with ELMA sensors and CDF layer 00 sensors from Hamamatsu and Micron Measured I leak, V depl Measurements agree well with other measurements Calculate I leak, V depl and ENC for various Si temperatures to determine Si running temperature during operation Conclude that the design value for Silicon operating temperature at the inner layer should be T= -10 o C
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 43 Comparison 2a and 2b 2a: »Innermost radius 25.7 mm »Outermost radius 94.3 mm 2b: »Innermost radius 17.5 mm »Outermost radius mm End views drawn to scale
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 44 Sensor Procurement
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 45 Why no 90-degree Stereo Issues: Due to multiplexing of signals more difficult pattern recognition; more fakes Large incident angles, large number of strips hit »Preferentially use thinner silicon to partially compensate Fraction of tracks that have a close neighbor is rather high »Need to resort to splitting shared clusters Requires double-metal layer; HPK no experience with dm layers on 6” wafers No definitive answer yet from Run2a data We have confidence that we can achieve our physics goals with the current design Of course, 3d-vertex gives additional information, but has to be compared to additional requirements Complicates design, more sensor types, more testing, probing, more manpower, … DØ made conscientious decision not to adopt 90-degree stereo readout given manpower and time constraints
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 46
Director's Baseline Review, April 16-18, M. Demarteau Slide 47 Sensor 8’ Twisted Pair Cable Interface with current DAQ system Adapter Card Junction Card 2’ Digital Cable Hybrid Analogue Cable Hybrid