Irregular verbs. verbs that we add ‘t’ instead of ‘ed’ when writing the past tense of some words!!!!!!
hand - handed posted post- Remember we add ‘ed’ to short vowel words (a,e,i,o,u) ending in two consonants we simply add the letters e and d. hand - handed posted post-
hop - hopped begged beg - Remember we double the last letter Before we add ‘ed’ to words with a short vowel, ending with one consonant. hop - hopped begged beg -
And we simply add the letter ‘d’ When words end in ‘e’ And we simply add the letter ‘d’ When words end in ‘e’. hike- hiked prance- pranced
WHEN changing some verbs to past tense, a ‘t’ is used instead of ‘ed’ WHEN changing some verbs to past tense, a ‘t’ is used instead of ‘ed’. These are called irregular verbs. Let’s have a look at some.
sleep slept sleeped becomes and not We don’t say: Last night, I sleeped like a baby. We say: Last night is slept like a baby.
felt feel feeled becomes and not The dirt felt soft and moist in my hands. NOT The dirt feeled soft and moist in my hands
build built builded becomes and not Mitchell built a fantastic sand castle when he went to Queensland. NOT Mitchell builded a fantastic sand castle when he went to Queensland.
buy bought buyed becomes and not I went shopping and bought a loaf of bread, a carton of milk and some cheese.
keep becomes kept Not keeped
catch becomes caught Not catched
send becomes sent Not sended
sit becomes sat Not sitted
spend becomes spent Not spended
teach becomes taught Not teached
think becomes thought Not thinked
bring becomes brought Not bringed
lend becomes lent Not lended
meet becomes met Not meeted
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