Chapters 2, 3, 15 Roles and Responsibilities of the RA RA Good Practices Community Development
Skills of an RA Conceptual Application- understanding of human development Counseling Basic Information about campus Administrative- time management, paperwork, disciplinary, etc Teaching (programming and role-modeling) Leadership Crisis Management Relational- understanding yourself and others
Roles of an RA 1.Student 2.Role Model 3.Problem Solver 4.Conflict Mediator 5.Campus Resource 6.Trained Observer 7.Community Builder 8.Group Facilitator 9.Counselor 10.Administrator
First Impressions The RA is the first resident of their section, they must set the tone for the other residents. RAs must create a welcoming floor RAs must learn about their residents The Red Zone: first two weeks of school, time in which new students are most vulnerable but also open to new experiences.
Challenges during the Welcome Process Establishing rules Enforcing rules Being available for residents Managing time for studies and personal space Confidentiality
Avoiding Burnout Learn what your stressors are: Family Friends Job Money Classes Fear of Failure Find techniques to deal with your stressors
12 Institutional Factors that are important for student success in college (Kuh et all) 1.A clear, focused institutional mission 2.High standards for student performance 3.Support for students to explore human difference and emerging dimensions of self 4.Emphasis on early months and first year of study 5.Respect for diverse talents 6.Integration of prior learning and experience 7.Ongoing practice of learned skills 8.Active learning 9.Assessment and feedback 10.Collaboration among students 11.Adequate time on task 12.Out-of-class contact with faculty Highlighted indicates this factor is typically present in Residence Halls
Principles for Good Practices for Student Affairs 1.Engages students in active learning 2.Helps students develop coherent values and ethical standards 3.Sets and communicates high expectations for student learning 4.Uses systematic inquiry to improve student and institutional performance 5.Uses resources effectively to achieve institutional missions and goals 6.Forges educational partnerships that advance student learning 7.Builds supportive and inclusive communities PG learn these principles!
RAs are Committed to Residents: –engaging in learning –Involvement –Multiculturalism –Ethic of caring Self –Being a student –Learning from the RA experience Residence Life –Ethics –Professional Staff –Training
Building Community Community= a sense of attachment to a group and a set of values that are commonly shared within a group RA’s Goal: To build a strong community!
To Build Community Step 1. Define the physical space of your community- –where does your community end? Step 2. Create shared experiences for your residents
University Housing Requirements that help build community Welcome Banners, decorations Mandatory Section Meeting to Introduce rules, staff, etc. Staff Programming Requirements
Tools that help to Build Community A welcoming environment (includes decorations, how the RA presents his or her self and how the RA introduces themselves to the community.) Residents knowing each others’ names –A person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language to them. Bulletin Boards and Banners that encourage residents to interact Ask for resident’s input in planning programs Planning programs that engage students and encourage them to interact and get to know each other. Understanding any special community involved (honors, band, etc) Section Meetings and Team builders Posting general information about the RA to allow residents to get to know them. Online groups on Social Networking sites Many more! Be creative.
Community Photos housing