Welcome to Mrs. Sergison’s Science Class
Safety 1st! Scientific investigations can be fun, but safety is extremely important in order to prevent serious accidents from happening to you and to others. Strict rules must be followed in order achieve lab safety.
The lab safety equipment includes: You are responsible for knowing where all of the safety equipment is and how to use it. You must also know the proper fire drill procedure. The lab safety equipment includes: Fire alarm Fire blanket Fire extinguisher Eye wash station
Fire Alarm The fire alarm is right outside of the science lab. Simply pull down the lever.
Fire Blanket Use the fire blanket if clothing catches fire. The blanket should be spread on the floor so that the person whose clothing or hair is on fire can wrap it around the body while rolling. Have the person STOP, DROP, and ROLL! It can also be used to throw over a small fire on the lab table.
Fire Extinguisher They are used for uncontrollable, large fires that occur. Most fire extinguishers have a safety pin. Remove the safety pin and squeeze the handle to discharge the extinguisher.
Eye Wash Station In case of eye contact by chemicals, go to the eyewash station and flush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes.
Lab Safety Rules Never begin a lab until you have listen to all verbal instructions and have permission to begin. Do not work in laboratory unless the instructor is present. DO NOT talk to your lab group until the verbal instructions are finished. Read directions to make sure you understand it all. Ask if you do not understand them.
If Mrs. Sergison asks for your attention during the experiment, immediately stop what you are doing and pay special attention. DO NOT talk while instructions are given.
Lab Safety Rules No horseplay (running, throwing, pushing) of any kind will be tolerated! Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times. Horseplay is dangerous and will result in a referral.
Lab Safety Rules No food or drink is allowed in the lab. No gum chewing.
Never eat or drink from laboratory glassware. Glassware Safety Hot glassware will not appear to be hot. Never pick up glassware without first checking to see if it is hot. Never eat or drink from laboratory glassware. Never use chipped or broken glassware.
Lab Safety Rules If you spill something, then tell Mrs. Sergison right away. Immediately inform Mrs. Sergison if you get a cut or suffered any form of injury when performing an experiment.
Lab Safety Rules Always wear safety goggles when you are working with chemicals or heat (hot plates). Always wear an apron when working with chemicals.
Never mix chemicals unless you have been told to do so. Never eat, drink, touch, or smell chemicals unless you are told to do so. If you are asked to check the odor, gently wave your hand over the opening of the container and direct the fumes toward your nose. This is called wafting.
Dispose of all chemicals as instructed by Mrs. Sergison. If chemicals are splashed or spilled on your hands, immediately rinse with cold running water.
Safety with Heat/Electricity Safety goggles will be worn whenever chemicals or open flames are in use. Never reach across an open flame. Tie back long hair and loose clothing. Never heat a liquid in a closed container. Always point a test tube away from you and others. Never mess with electrical equipment unless you ask Mrs. Sergison first. Know were the location and how to use all safety equipment.
End of Class Procedures Make sure all of the water is turned off. Unplug all electrical devices. Return all materials to their proper places. Dispose of all chemicals according to Mrs. Sergison’s instructions. Clean your work area. Wash your hands with soap and water.
Safety Symbols Eye Hazard Laboratory Apron Chemical Safety Meaning of Symbol Safety Rules Eye Hazard Wear safety goggles. Laboratory Apron Wear a lab apron to protect your skin and clothing. Chemicals could be poisonous and should not be swallowed and/or inhaled. Chemical Safety
Fire Hazard Breakage Hazard Electrical Hazard Animal Safety Symbol Meaning of Symbol Safety Rules These materials will catch on fire easily. Tie back hair and loose clothing. Know where to locate fire safety equipment. STOP ~ DROP ~ ROLL Fire Hazard Breakage Hazard Handle breakables with care. Do not use chipped or cracked glassware. Use care when using electrical equipment. Never use electrical equipment around water or when your hands or equipment is wet. Do not let electrical cords dangle from work station. Unplug electrical equipment when not in use. Electrical Hazard Animal Safety Treat live animals with care. Wash hands when finished handling live animals.
In ALL cases of an accident, Mrs. Sergison MUST be told In ALL cases of an accident, Mrs. Sergison MUST be told. Do NOT try to hide an accident!
In case of a chemical spilled on the skin, wash with lots of water. In case of fainting or dizziness, provide the person with fresh air. Have the person lie down so that the head is lower than the body. In case of minor cuts, wash with soap and water, and treat with items in the first aid kit. In case of thermal burns, immediately place the burned area under cold running water. Notify your teacher immediately if you are burned.
SITUATION SAFE RESPONSE Burns Fainting Fire Eye Injury Minor Cuts Poisoning Spills on Skin Immediately flush with cold water until the burning stops. Provide fresh air. Move the person so that the head is lower than the rest of the body. Unplug all appliances. Use a fire blanket or fire extinguisher to smother the fire. Immediately flush the eye with running water. Remove contact lenses. Do not allow eye to be rubbed if a foreign object is present in the eye. Allow to bleed briefly. Apply slight pressure. Wash with soap and water. Note what substance was responsible. Alert teacher immediately. Flush with water.