The Stampenator By: By: Jonathan French Josh Goben Britt Elmore Reuben Pinkard
Device Design Our device’s purpose is to stamp a piece of paper. It accomplishes this in a 4 step process. 1. Car is released down a ramp. 2. The car’s trajectory sets off a trail of dominoes. 3. The last domino sets off the trigger on a mousetrap. 4. The stamp is attached to an arm on the mousetrap, which stamps the paper.
Energy Conversions 1. There is Potential Energy in the car, due to gravity. 2. The Potential Energy turns into Kinetic Energy as it moves down the ramp. 3. The Kinetic energy becomes Gravitational Potential Energy and lost-energy in the Collision. 4. The Kinetic Energy, through Conservation of Momentum, knocks over the series of dominoes and lands on the mousetrap trigger. 5. The stored Potential Energy in the spring is released and converted to Kinetic Energy which moves the arm and stamps the paper.
Construction Issues We had problems with attaching the dominoes to the metal hinges. We had problems with attaching the dominoes to the metal hinges. We also had design issues concerning the spatial requirements. We also had design issues concerning the spatial requirements. Making sure the car consistently hit the target area. Making sure the car consistently hit the target area.
Conclusion Not a efficient method of stamping paper. Not a efficient method of stamping paper. We had a great learning experience. We had a great learning experience. Amazing how much can be contained in such a small space. Amazing how much can be contained in such a small space.