Burlington Township High School Middle States Excellence By Design Faculty Update October 16, 2009
Phase IV Identifying Priorities with Three to Five Measurable Goals Tasks Completed by the HS Administrative Team Phase V Developing an Action Plan Appointing Implementation Teams
STRENGTHS Competency of Staff Staff Recognition Collegial Environment Safety & Security Availability of curriculum guides Graduation requirements across content areas District website Transition team and program Monies allocated appropriately Stakeholders have input into financial matters PAC and State-recognized theater program Community involvement in selected areas Variety of programs offered Effective governance and leadership Teen Pep and other mentoring program Clear Acceptable Use Policy Periodic Upgrades of Software Knowledgeable Tech Staff Student Computers in Classrooms
CHALLENGES Communication between staff, parents & administration Roles/Duties of staff not clear Cleanliness Common planning time Vertical articulation to increase student achievement More state and federal funding Lack of available storage for athletics Temperature regulation More Tech staff needed Too many old computers No facilities for video production Student performance levels in academic areas Student and staff recognition PD for Technology Tech Plan not adequate for pace of technological advances Increased participation in the strategic planning process Lack of respect by students Increased meeting time for activities Security Cameras Staff training on managing volatile situations
Goal: By the year 2016, all students at Burlington Township High School will demonstrate increased academic proficiency in Mathematics as measured by: 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Mathematics Goals for Accreditation Action Plan for Goal #1
Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 1: 2009 NJASK 8 = 75.1% of the students in the Class of 2013 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = 27.5% demonstrated proficiency African American = 62.2% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 52.3% demonstrated proficiency
Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 2: 2009 S-Test 9 = 67% of the students in the Class of 2012 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = 16.2% demonstrated proficiency African American = 55.2% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 52.6% demonstrated proficiency
Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 3: 2009 S-Test 10 = 64.7% of the students in the Class of 2011 demonstrated proficiency in mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = 22.9% demonstrated proficiency African American = 54.9% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 49.1% demonstrated proficiency
Baseline Data for Goal #1 Cohort 4: 2009 HSPA = 79.5% of the students in the Class of 2010 demonstrated proficiency in Mathematics Sub Groups: Special Education = 41.7% demonstrated proficiency African American = 67.7% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 61.8% demonstrated proficiency
By 2016, 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Mathematics Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) NJASK8 (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 83.4% (Total Population) 51.7% (SE) 74.8% (African American) 68.2% (ED) 91.7% (Total Population) 75.9% (African American) 87.4% (African American) 84.1% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) S-Test 9 (Proficient by Test Standard = 32; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 37) 78% (Total Population) 44.1% (SE) 70.1% (African American) 68.4% (ED) 89% (Total Population) 72% (SE) 85% (African American) 84.2% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) S-Test 10 (Proficient by Test Standard = 27) 76.5% (Total Population) 48.6% (SE) 70% (African American) 66% (ED) 88.3% (Total Population) 74.3% (SE) 85% (African American) 83% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) HSPA (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 86.3% (Total Population) 61.1% (SE) 78.4% (African American) 74.5% (ED) 93.1% (Total Population) 80.5% (SE) 89.1% (African American) 87.2% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) Objective: Students will achieve proficiency in Mathematics according to the benchmarks outlined in the chart below:
Goal: By the year 2016, all students at Burlington Township High School will demonstrate increased academic proficiency in Language Arts Literacy as measured by: 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Language Arts Literacy Goals for Accreditation Action Plan for Goal #2
Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 1: 2009 NJASK 8 = 91.5% of the student in the Class of 2013 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = 42.3% demonstrated proficiency African American = 77.7% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 73.1% demonstrated proficiency
Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 2: 2009 S-Test 9 = 83.3% of the student in the Class of 2012 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = 35.1% demonstrated proficiency African American = 80% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 74.6% demonstrated proficiency
Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 3: 2009 S-Test 10 = 85% of the student in the Class of 2011 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = 40% demonstrated proficiency African American = 79.2% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 67.9% demonstrated proficiency
Baseline Data for Goal #2 Cohort 4: 2009 HSPA = 92.4% of the students in the Class of 2010 demonstrated proficiency in LAL Sub Groups: Special Education = 36.1% demonstrated proficiency African American = 79.7% demonstrated proficiency Economically Disadvantaged = 70.6% demonstrated proficiency
By 2016, 100% of all students will achieve proficiency on the State exit examination in Language Arts Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) NJASK8 (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 94.3% (Total Population) 61.5% (SE) 85.1% (African American) 82.1% (ED) 97.1% (Total Population) 80.7% (SE) 92.5% (African American) 91.1% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) S-Test 9 (Proficient by Test Standard = 32; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 37) 88.9% (Total Population) 56.7% (SE) 86.7% (African American) 83.1% (ED) 94.5% (Total Population) 78.3% (SE) 93.4% (African American) 91.6% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) S-Test 10 (Proficient by Test Standard = 28; Proficient by BTHS Standard = 33) 90% (Total Population) 60% (SE) 86.1% (African American) 78.6% (ED) 95% (Total Population) 80% SE) 93% (African American) 89.3% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) HSPA (Proficient by Test Standard = 200) 95% (Total Population) 57.4% (SE) 86.5% (African American) 80.4% (ED) 97.5% (Total Population) 78.7% (SE) 93.3% (African American) 90.2% (ED) 100% (Total Population) 100% (SE) 100% (African American) 100% (ED) Objective: Students will achieve proficiency in LAL according to the benchmarks outlined in the chart below:
Goal 3: To develop and implement a technology plan for the 21 st century that best prepares our students for their post-secondary goals Goals for Accreditation Action Plan for Goal #3 By 2016, 100% of the instructional classrooms on the high school campus will be equipped with a LCD projector and screen By 2016, the high school campus will be a wireless environment By 2016, all instructional staff will be rated advanced proficient in their knowledge and use of instructional technologies
Baseline Data for Goal #3 In 2009 – 2010, 38% of the instructional classrooms (total = 84) on the high school campus are equipped with a LCD projector and screen In 2009 – 2010, zero percent of the high school campus is wireless In 2009 – 2010, the instructional staff participated in a survey that rated their knowledge and use of instructional technologies on a continuum of “No Knowledge” to “Advanced Proficient.”
1. By 2016, 100% of the instructional classroom on the high school campus will be equipped with a LCD projector and screen Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) 38% of Classroom Equipped with a LCD Projector and Screen (Total = 32 of 84 rooms) 66% of Classroom Equipped with a LCD Projector and Screen 80% of Classrooms Equipped with a LCD Projector and Screen 100% of Classrooms Equipped with a LCD Projector and Screen 2. By 2016, the high school campus will be a wireless environment Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) 0% of high school campus that is wireless 33% will be wireless66% will be wireless100% will be wireless 3. By 2016, all instructional staff will be rated advanced proficient in their knowledge and use of instructional technologies Measurement Instrument 3 Year Benchmark (June 2012) 5 Year Benchmark (June 2014) 7 Year Benchmark (June 2016) Survey of Instructional Staff Rating Knowledge and Use of Instructional Technologies No staff will be ranked in the “No Knowledge” or “Occasional” category All staff will be ranked at a minimum of “Often” All staff will be rated at the ranking of “Always” Objectives:
Middle States EBD Accreditation Visit: October Meet and Greet the EBD Visitation Team: October 19 at 2:10 – BTHS Cafeteria