Leveraging the Power of Facebook and Twitter
Social Media Social media is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to communicate what you want, when you want for free.
No longer do we have to rely on traditional media… - TV - Radio - Print …To share our message. We can do it ourselves. Social Media
But how do I know I’m doing it right?
There is no one size fits all answer or strategy, BUT… …There are some useful tips to help you achieve confidence and success in your interaction.
General Tips for Making the Most Impact Who is your audience? - Define who you are talking to and make your message relevant to that group - Content for Facebook may not be relevant to Twitter and vice versa Define your goal(s) - What is it you are trying to accomplish? Post information with potential mass appeal “Like” and “Follow” organizations with similar values
Is it visual? - A picture can say a thousand words You don’t always have to be “all business” - Being “human” makes you more likable Don’t be afraid of negative comments - Respond and “kill them with kindness” - Don’t delete unless the comment is derogatory Don’t link your Facebook and Twitter accounts - You’re communicating to two different audiences General Tips for Making the Most Impact
Create posts that people can easily “like” - EX: There’s a line of people waiting to get free cancer screenings at the health dept. VS. We’re so happy to be able to provide cancer screenings to people in our community at no cost! Think like browser – what content would you like to see? Use photos – an image is your most powerful message Measure your results Facebook Specific Tips
Keep it short (140 characters or less) Twitter is great for quick updates EX: “Chelan County road engineers working to reduce traffic in East #Wenatchee” Use Hashtags - # is a hashtag. A hashtag is like a stamp. - When someone searches for entries with this “stamp” your post appears. Getting “re-tweeted” is a good thing - It means your information is being copied and shared. Twitter Specific Tips
“Liked” 14,553 times Shared 105 times Cost? $0 Outreach Value: Priceless Examples
Sometimes what you share online is picked up by traditional media, further spreading your message Examples
Invite public interaction - Click “Like” if you agree!
Examples: Use of Twitter to post quick and timely updates
Examples: Use of Facebook to interact
“ Social media really isn’t about media at all. It’s about relationships and like a relationship, it takes heart, authenticity and work, but it’s worth it. ” ~ Brian Anthony Hernandez Writer, Business News Daily
Other questions? Contact me: Monique Cotton Principal & Chief Strategist DMC Communications