The Old Testament Introduction and Contents
The Old Testament Also known as The Hebrew Bible, First Testament, & Tanakh (Law, Prophets, Writings) Textbook Compare/Contrast Hebrew Canon with Christian Canon OT official canon Council of Jamnia in 90 AD – conform to the Pentateuch, written no later than time of Ezra (400 BC), written in Hebrew and in Palestine.
The Old Testament Structure of the OT Pentateuch – First five books (Torah) Law Creation to Moses and Promised Land Historical Books – Joshua through Ezra – from death of Moses thro exile and return to Palestine Writings – wisdom literature, Psalms, Proverbs Prophets – major and minor (Isaiah to Malachi_
The Old Testament Content Pentateuch – Torah (Law) Emphasis on keeping the Law. Obeying God ’ s Law = the best way of serving God. To be faithful out of a loving response to God, “ a want to, not have to ” Genesis – “ beginning ” (Greek) Chp. 1 – 11 – origin of things – creation of the the world, of humanity, first human sin, first human murder, global flood.
The Old Testament Exodus – God ’ s deliverance Ten Commandments (Ex. 20) Passover (Ex. 12) Ten Plagues & Forty Years in the Desert Leviticus – Israel ’ s religious & cultural practices Numbers – Israel ’ s wanderings in the wilderness Deuteronomy – Second Law (a copy of the Law) Deut. 5 Identity as God ’ s people (Shema) 6:4
The Old Testament Historical Books Joshua – conquest of Canaan Judges – consolidation of Israel ’ s presence in Canaan 1,2 Kings; 1,2 Samuel – kings of Israel beginning with Saul, David & Solomon 1,2 Chronicles – division of Israel/Judah Ezra Nehemiah – return to Promised Land from exile
The Old Testament Writings Job – Suffering and God Psalms – Hymns – God relation to humanity Proverbs – Divine wisdom by which one lives Ecclesiastes - humility, fragility of life, reverence for God. Prophets God ’ s righteousness & justice, man ’ s sin forecasting future events foretelling and forthtelling Major prophets – Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel Minor prophets – Amos – Malachi
Major Old Testament Dates 1800 – 1600 BC Patriarchs (Abraham, Issac, Jacob) 1600 BC Hebrews (Jews) in Egypt 1250 BC – Exodus 1210 – 1020 BC - Judges (Samson, Samuel, etc.) 1020 – 1000 BC King Saul 1000 – 961 BC – King David 961 – 922 BC - King Solomon 922 BC – Division of Kingdom – North (Israel) South (Judah) 721 BC – Assyrian conquest of Northern Kingdom 587 – 538 BC Babylonian conquest of Judah, Destruction of Temple Return from Exile – after 538 BC. Cyrus of Persia.
Major Themes in Old Testament Creation – Work of One and only One God. First Creation account – Gen. 1:1 – 2:4a God ’ s transcendence – above creation 1:3 – God creates light; 1:11 – God creates plants 1:20-23 God creates animals 1:26 – 27 God creates a man and a woman Second Creation account – Gen. 2:4b – 22 God ’ s immanence – with creation 2:7 God creates Adam; 2:8 God creates trees/plants 2:20 God creates animals; 2:22 God creates Eve. God breathes in man the breath of life and man becomes a living soul.
Major Themes in Old Testament Exodus from Egypt/Giving of the Law Passover (Ex. 11:1 – 12:30) – an act of divine judgment upon Egypt. Sacrificial blood on doorposts marking Israel to be passed over from God ’ s judgment upon Egypt. Death of firstborn Meal of bitter herbs & unleavened bread (time to go) To be celebrated each year Jesus ’ Last Supper – a Passover meal.
Major Themes in Old Testament Giving of the Law (Ten Commandments) First four commandments – Humanity ’ s relationship to God. Reverence for God, Sabbath keeping Remaining six commandments – Humanity ’ s relationship with one another. Respect for others, life, property, relationships.
Major Themes in Old Testament Wilderness Wanderings/Entry into Promised Land (Forty Year Period) Generational and Geographical, Cultural Change Establishment of Monarchy The king is seen as a son of God – line of David, acting as God ’ s agent on behalf of and for the people. Good kings = David. Also evil kings – not a provider nor protector but a predator.
Major Themes in Old Testament Priesthood – concern for cultic purity of the people religious, ceremonial & health related concerns Day of Atonement sacrifice offered annually for the sins of the people of Israel. Distinction between unclean (natural bodily functions) and sin (ethical misdeeds) Sin = a barrier between God & humanity (separation) Sacrifice = bridges the gap between God & humanity Day of Atonement (Lev. 16:1 – 34)
Major Themes in Old Testament. Day of Atonement – complex ritual High Priest (HP) a ritual cleansing for himself then offers a bull sacrifice for himself /priests then two goats brought forward & by selection by lot, one is to be sacrificed, other – a scapegoat. first goat – sacrificed for sins of the people, then the dead goat and bull is taken outside the camp and buried. Then HP lays his hand on the second goat (scapegoat) and transfer all the sins of the people upon the goat. The scapegoat is driven out into the wilderness carrying the guilt of the sins of the people. Day of Atonement – significance to Jesus ’ death. Sins of humanity placed upon Jesus and Jesus is put to death outside the walls of Jerusalem.
Major Themes in Old Testament Prophecy (nabi) someone who speaks for another. Forward looking – foretelling the future. Forth telling – against injustice; for God ’ s righteousness and justice. Exile 586 BC Judah taken captive by Babylon. Judgment upon the people due to failure to live up to and by God ’ s law and in their actions towards each other. Restoration Cyrus 538 BC King of Persia conquers Babylon allows the Jewish people to return to Palestine to live and worship.