Administrative Records Workshop on Review of the Implementation of the Reference Regional Strategy Framework for Statistical Capacity Building in Africa Kigali, Rwanda, 18th – 21st October 2011 By Said Aboud National Bureau of Statistics Tanzania
Presentation Why do we collect Types of data collected Methods of collection Data consistency Advantages of improving Administrative data collection Challenges Recommendations
Why do we collect Reduce cost when we compare with surveys Can be obtained monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annually Reduce the burden of overloading questionnaires for the Surveys and Censuses Easy to collect Can be obtained at the smallest level of Administration
Types of data collected Health Statistics Education Statistics Agriculture Statistics Vital Statistics Hotel Statistics International Migration Statistics Tourism Statistics Construction Statistics etc
Methods of collection Most of the data are the day to day activities. Responsible officers at the administrative areas compile them and forward to the higher administrative area. This goes on until a national data is obtained
Data consistency Lack of Statistics knowledge at lowest level of administration result in data collected to be inconsistent. i.e They are problems of estimations like estimates of agriculture production or area under cultivation etc. Poor record keeping result in under estimation
Advantages of improving Administrative data collection Improved administrative data result in good data for planning from the lowest level of Administration to the highest Countries like Seychelles where they have 100% vital registration do not include demographic data in surveys and censuses More accurate information on Morbidity are obtained etc Does not cost much to collect
Challenges Lack of capacity at the lowest level of administration. This includes equipment and training. Harmonisation of the data collected is a problem. Many users tend to collect the same thing with different approaches and definitions. Lack of enough Resources for capacity building Unwillingness of some institutions to release data for the excuse of confidentiality
Recommendations Countries should speed up the implementation of NSDS The government should allocate enough funds for capacity building Statistics Offices should set definitions to be followed by all data collectors. Some countries have done. To review the existing laws
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