Les meilleures photos de L'année 2005 D'après NBC A life for two, full of tenderness, obtains happiness as they get closer to heaven.
This morning, when God opened a window to heaven, he saw me and asked, « My child what is your greatest wish for today? »
I answered, « God, I pray that you take care of the person who is reading this message as well as his/her family and his/her good friends. They deserve it and I love them very much. » The love of God is like an ocean, you can see from where it comes but you can never see where it ends.
This message starts to work now. Those who have doubts about it must know that the person who sent it was moved by how quickly it worked for them. Let’s see if it’s true….
Angles exist, but sometimes they don’t have wings. We call them friends.
Send this show to your friends and something wonderful will happen to you. Something that you will be happy about and will want.
Someone will call you to give you the news that you have been waiting to hear or maybe an angel will give you the answer tonight in a dream.
And now, a picture of YOU?