Pass back papers New Warm-Ups SAT Question of the Day: Tenses Rough Draft DUE (Typed) Editing Major Character Map Upcoming: Novel test NEXT CLASS Final Essay DUE Friday/ Monday AGENDA
SAT QUESTION OF THE DAY A.)Ever since the B.)quality of teacher education came under public scrutiny, suggestions for C.)upgrading the profession D.)are abounding. E.)No error.
TIMED WRITING REVIEW Look at your FIRST sentence Did you commit any cardinal sins? i.e.: “My argument is about cats.” Do you have a sentence that GRABS the attention of the reader? Highlight and label your THESIS Is your thesis an argument? Did you give a preview of your three reasons in your intro/thesis?
Bracket your EVIDENCE Label as Logos, Ethos, or Pathos Bracket and label your CONCESSION Bracket and label your REFUTATION Is your refutation rooted in logos and pathos? EVIDENCE, CONCESSION, REFUTATION
Judge your quotes Are they juicy? Do they help support your overall argument? Did you sandwich them between a claim and a comment? Are you using signal words EVERY TIME? Ex: “Tan writes, …” Do you have a citation for EVERY quote? QUOTE EVIDENCE
GRAMMAR HIGHLIGHT any run-ons or fragments Example: Some people think Chris McCandless just hated people, others believe he craved the company of others. This is a run-on sentence; you cannot put two sentences together with a comma. Example: Which is pretty crazy. This is a fragment. No subject present.
REFLECTION After the timed writing, you wrote down your weaknesses, did you correct those this time around? What do you need to fix before you turn in your final draft on Friday/ Monday?
Label each major character in your novel Describe each character’s main attributes/ events he/she went through Be creative CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS
HOMEWORK Study for your novel test Finish your book Work on perfecting your essay