By: Greta Kjellquist Amari Brown Rondasha Caughman Dylan Black Kelly Jones Paris Hudson.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Greta Kjellquist Amari Brown Rondasha Caughman Dylan Black Kelly Jones Paris Hudson

Food - They grew beans, corn, squash, and berries they also hunt elk. -they prepare food by putting honey suckle on the food and letting in marinate for min. -They prepared food like this for everyday life in wood pots and pans.

Homes -They lived in houses made of mud and clay or wattle and daub. -The roofs were thatched. -The proper name for the homes they made were dwellings -One family lived in each home -The size of the homes depended on the season. -They made their homes by thatching a variety of material in to a strong material.

Jobs -Men cut trees for homes. -They also built canoes and fences out of wood. -They hunted fish and made traps. -Women ruled over homes and participated in government. -Boys would also chop down trees or help their fathers with other jobs. -Girls helped their mothers cook and bake.

Games Some of the games they played were stick ball, chunky and blowgun. -Celebrations and games revolved around the season. -stickball is like field hockey someone the ball and they try to get it into a basket

Clothing -Women wore deerskin tops, skirts and moccasins. -Men wore deerskin lion clothes in the summer and added leggings, shirts, and robes all made of deerskin. -Children wore mostly the same things. -They wore deerskin because it was the easiest thing to hunt.